Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The Dark Blood Stirs...


Legend of Altera
SO, A little random, but when do we begin the moving process? I'd like to begin reconstructing my town... It's going to be an epicly huge pain, but at least I'll have an opportunity to make a nicer layout and organize the place...


Legend of Altera
Wait, it already happened? That means I lost all of my diamond, my precious material that took so long to get back.... Ugh, I'm slightly really mad!


Lord of House Hawklight
Sorry you lost your stuff man, we had the portal open for as long as we could handle two maps side by side, so only the people that got chests over there saved their stuff. As for the immersion, very, very true Lars, I hadn't thought of that, this is an excellent and in-depth part of our rp, those poor lost souls that were left behind.. Really sorry guys..


Real life redstone crafter
.bbCodeBlock {
    margin: 1em 140px 1em 0;
Why a margin of 140px on the right side?! Now my announcement message is flabbered up!


Legend of Altera
I'm really confused now... I'm in My town, nothing has changed... But Someone said it didn't begin? -_- Confusion!


I'm really confused now... I'm in My town, nothing has changed... But Someone said it didn't begin? -_- Confusion!
It's an illusion cast by Queen Grief to make you think happy thoughts while she bathes in your agony. We've had barryg custom make us a special plugin for this, don't worry it won't last forever ;)


Magus of Nothing
It's an illusion cast by Queen Grief to make you think happy thoughts while she bathes in your agony. We've had barryg custom make us a special plugin for this, don't worry it won't last forever ;)
I'm amazed this many people didn't make it through... of course as barryg is amazing with the plugins he also managed to make NPC's of everyone who made it through so you wont even notice.


Magus of Nothing
Why would I be? It only has to last for about a week then you get un-whitelisted so its not hard to make.