Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Dark Blood Stirs...

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Itzza is this new list of races just newly allowed character races or like... mods to fit races? Like if you're a vampire you burn in the sunlight :p
I believe vampires have already been discussed in previous threads and mods for them too. The simple fact that people would die if they ever went out during the day would simply ruin their gameplay for those players as they would never be able to do anything. Also when events are held they usually run through the minecraft cycles (day/night) at least 2 or 3 times if not more. You would be way too limited to be able to do anything.


The Arbiter of the Gods
damn... My internet is dead and I'm on my parent's laptop... Now near enough everthing is lost in the old world :c


There was but it is closed now and we have all jumped through it. Did you not get the memo?
Anyone who did not make it through the portal will have their player data reset and their account taken off the whitelist permanently. We're trying to roleplay a real 'exodus' here, guys...


Lord of House Hawklight
I think like 10 people or so might have missed it Lars, those are the ones that missed out, sorry hshot, sucks dude.. ):


I think like 10 people or so might have missed it Lars, those are the ones that missed out, sorry hshot, sucks dude.. ):
Well if you think of it its actually a good thing. With any mass evacuation people get left behind, right? It makes it all more immersive to imagine the few stragglers that got left behind getting ripped to pieces by the corruption - never to be heard from again.