Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Dark Blood Stirs...


Loyal Servant of Altera
But thats not what im getting at. Im just saying that because its a new country/world or whatever we're calling it. It should be different to the current one. A different "culture" if you like.

no, its always been medieval rp. also if you read the lore there is a very good story about why we have to move worlds


Hollows Explorer
lovelorn said:
no, its always been medieval rp. also if you read the lore there is a very good story about why we have to move worlds
Culture not era ;) but yeah i will read it now. I cant play mc this weekend as pc is getting upgraded to an i7 :D so ill devote my time to the lore


Lord of Altera
I plan to leave because I'm bored, and you pull this on me.
dagnabbit, this sounds awesome.
plz tell me werewolf is a race.
I mean, not like it matters, I'm making a new char, anyways.


Loyal Servant of Altera
No don't get me wrong I understand I am just saying that I personally think that boat travel was the smartest way to create teleportation in the game and I would hate to see the idea not used.. your Idea is fine friend :)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Itzza is this new list of races just newly allowed character races or like... mods to fit races? Like if you're a vampire you burn in the sunlight :p


No don't get me wrong I understand I am just saying that I personally think that boat travel was the smartest way to create teleportation in the game and I would hate to see the idea not used.. your Idea is fine friend :)
Towns can choose whether their town is accesible by boat, airship, portal, horse (no physical horses sadly) or a minecraft(not 100% about this one) from the capital city.


Itzza is this new list of races just newly allowed character races or like... mods to fit races? Like if you're a vampire you burn in the sunlight :p
Vampirism and being a werewolf is a condition, not a race.


Hollows Explorer
ikbenlars said:
Towns can choose whether their town is accesible by boat, airship, portal, horse (no physical horses sadly) or a minecraft(not 100%
about this one) from the capital city.
Could you have cow instead of a horse? Not very medieval but ox were used at some point in time weren't they?


Hollows Explorer
ikbenlars said:
No to sit on and travel :p
Although that would be extremely funny. I meant like an elder scrolls style carrige<-(no idea of the spelling) :p that way you could get on it and the teleport would be like the boat method
This answer is only only valid if you were meant to say "not to sit on"


King ForumStalker
wait, what? I sure hope we can access the towns through minecraft.
I think Lars meant Minecart.

Are ghost towns going to be removed? e.g. skull kingdom, /cry
Most likely, however you will have access to the current world for about a month after the new one is released, at which point you can get a world edit schematic for the town if it isnt being moved over for use on single player worlds.


Hollows Explorer
Sure it says here somewhere but are towns being moved? Like whole towns, because i would have thought that doing so would ruin the RP part of the move? Doesn't bother me, just saying :p


Lord of Altera
Sure it says here somewhere but are towns being moved? Like whole towns, because i would have thought that doing so would ruin the RP part of the move? Doesn't bother me, just saying :p
no, they are going to chop them all in half and only move one side over :D


Hollows Explorer
Thefatgerbil said:
no, they are going to chop them all in half and only move one side over :D
.....might be moving select buildings from towns such as inns, landmarks, temples etc.
Feel free to write another sarcastic remark :)