Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The Dark Blood Stirs...


I liked the old world tho...
I also truly hate when servers do this, because then it goes from awesome, to kinda lame.
Please don't judge me on this, I'm just stating my opinion.


I liked the old world tho...
I also truly hate when servers do this, because then it goes from awesome, to kinda lame.
Please don't judge me on this, I'm just stating my opinion.
State your opinion after you've seen the new world. :)


Lord of Altera
aha! I knew the new world wasn't out yet! cause you said once you see implying that he wouldn't be able to see it right now. Yay, I am not left behind :D


Magus of Nothing
Just before you are plunged into the status of Non-Whitelisted you will see a vision of the new world... sorry but if you missed the portal thats the best you're going to get.


Lord of Altera
I don't know wether to laugh or cry at the fact that you's have tricked multiple people in this thread and there still falling for it...


Lord of Altera
sometime this next hour people!!!! the Exodus is near!! (this is a joke we have a few more days if not a week :p )