Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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100 Chibi Challenge [Complete]

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Lord of Altera
Character name: Rex Lonmar.
Details: Muscular, tall, styled blond hair. Scar across his left eye. (Last picture in the "What Rex Looks Like" section is the most accurate.)
Link to profile: Here.
Music that fits:
Theme: 60, Rejection.


Lord of Altera
Ohhh- quite a lot actually :D

1. Try to make your strokes quick to make them smoother, zooming out helps with longer lines
2. Ctrl + Z is your best best best friend-
3. Take advantage of your dominant hand, if your lines curve a certain way then flip the image when doing curves that go the other way
4. Flipping the image genuinely helps in seeing problems/errors like eyes that aren't lined up right, or a bit of bad anatomy.
5. Zoom out a lot to make sure the anatomy looks alright, if you don't have the entire character in view it can sometimes screw up along the way. Trust your sketches, even if they mess up somehow, it's still better than sketching while zoomed in xD..


Lord of Altera


You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
Character name: Jaret Ironbrow
Details: *Shrugs* Whate'er you desire! :heart:
Link to profile: Linky
Music that fits:
Theme: 96. In the Storm


Lord of Altera
@Auron Shale
Need skins and check if your requests are up to date? And auron, can you update your character profile to a better format?

Edit: @psykat is your request up to date (page 25)? The profile links to a whitelist application, I'd definitely prefer a link to a character profile thread :D
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