Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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100 Chibi Challenge [Complete]

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Lord of Altera
Anyone who was watching the stream today (or missed it~), I did a lot of work on one of my many projects, this one's simple enough though :D I plan on drawing desktops of each of the management team (I have NO idea who I'm drawing for my own, that'll be last)

So I think this is where I was this morning:
legion desktop.jpg
And this is where I've gotten today :D... my hands are so tired-
legion desktop1.jpg


Roleplay keeper
Damn Sally.. I understand you're tired, but this is truly something that I'd say could sell.. Not that you should, but just.. Wow. You're magnificent at drawing.


Lord of Altera
Character name: Mhaegan Spicer
Details: Clutching a newborn wrapped in a bundle of green cloth to her chest. Wearing her choker and a green shawl .She would look a bit haggard, exhausted. Her face would probably read "I'm so tired. I'm done. I can't." or something similar to the theme. I realize this is a chibi so feel free to do as you please :heart:
Link to profile:
Music that fits:
Theme: 73 - I Can't.
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