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100 Chibi Challenge [Complete]

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Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Well since the Rangers have already got a collage...
54 - Valonyx.png 33 - mastertyl.png
11 - catalyst.png 9 - angryboy.png
51 - goldengem25.png 18 - Mokwar.png
49 - Benijim.png 86 - deathmoron.png
Meet the Arcturians and friends :D
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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Awh, that's a shame. I went inactive and never had time to make a profile. TFW back too late :p

Happy making 100 chibis!



Lord of Altera
Psssssst Salleh.... i have a challenge for your all the chibi together so it looks like they are at a partey or something, or socializing togezer


Lord of Altera
Starbound1.png Starbound2.png
This is what happens when me and my twin play Starbound together, we built a house and I stuck a warning light inside my room instead of outside, and that's where this joke started :D.

Basically Wendy's character is a human striving for ... Galactic? domination, and of course is gathering allies to do it, she comes across Psycho or psycho finds here and joins the group. Shenanigans and violence follows, usually involving destroying life on any planet they land on-


Loyal Servant of Altera
I was having another look through the Chibi archive and man oh man have you been making some fine work!
And to think that this was only started last year and look how close you are to 100.
(Don't want it to end x_x)

Forever cheering you on with my pom-poms.

*le paw-print*


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Basically Wendy's character is a human striving for ... Galactic? domination, and of course is gathering allies to do it, she comes across Psycho or psycho finds here and joins the group. Shenanigans and violence follows, usually involving destroying life on any planet they land on-
I don't understand Starbound at all... are there like infinite NPCs who can join you or something?
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