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Upcoming A Chance for a Ball (Voting)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
... So if Jax doesn't win, as I've voted and threw money at, and the Noble's Ball wins.
Will I effectively not be allowed to even attend, since my chars aren't noble?
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Lord of Altera
... So if Jax doesn't win, as I've voted and threw money at, and the Noble's Ball wins.
Will I effectively not be allowed to even attend, since my chars aren't noble?
The Noble's Ball is for nobles!
However, if your characters are friends with nobles, they can attend as their +1 or if they serve them, as their handmaiden or servant. We also need cooks, guards, people to announce guests, people to seat guests- there's a bunch of different ways characters can get in without being nobles themselves!


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Part of that doesn't feel fair, in the sense I've put so much in. While I absolutely don't mind Jax losing, the concept I'm limited in the final result (I'm not willing pour more money into it) makes me a lil' sad. :p
Oh well.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Part of that doesn't feel fair, in the sense I've put so much in. While I absolutely don't mind Jax losing, the concept I'm limited in the final result (I'm not willing pour more money into it) makes me a lil' sad. :p
Oh well.
bb I will do it for you! Not like I have any other place to put my money into


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Part of that doesn't feel fair, in the sense I've put so much in. While I absolutely don't mind Jax losing, the concept I'm limited in the final result (I'm not willing pour more money into it) makes me a lil' sad. :p
Oh well.
Psst, hey you... yeah you... I'll invite you to the Noble's Ball. Bimhe will be bored with all the hub-bub.


Lord of Altera
... So if Jax doesn't win, as I've voted and threw money at, and the Noble's Ball wins.
Will I effectively not be allowed to even attend, since my chars aren't noble?
Saelihn would invite you as her guest. . . if she actually had any interest in attending...


Lord of Altera
Part of that doesn't feel fair, in the sense I've put so much in. While I absolutely don't mind Jax losing, the concept I'm limited in the final result (I'm not willing pour more money into it) makes me a lil' sad. :p
Oh well.
Jax isn't losing ;) Trust me.


Lord of Altera
It seems like there's plenty of people who'd love to take your character-
Best of luck (heh) to all competitors! May the best Ball win!


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Part of that doesn't feel fair, in the sense I've put so much in. While I absolutely don't mind Jax losing, the concept I'm limited in the final result (I'm not willing pour more money into it) makes me a lil' sad. :p
Oh well.
Isn't Nwalme all noble and stuff though? Nylarii and Nwimle could totes mcgotes go together.~


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Isn't Nwalme all noble and stuff though? Nylarii and Nwimle could totes mcgotes go together.~
I feel like the point she was trying to make is, if people invest in other balls but the noble's ball wins, then it might bother some folk that they can't go due to a lack of noble blood.


Lord of Altera
If Ignis Ball is the winner, I am sure some people ICly wouldn't want to go. Ignis Worshippers wouldn't go to any ball that was dedicated to another god, and etc.
It's a competition in it's own right. And the Winner deserves whatever outcome they get because they put the most money into it.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
If Ignis Ball is the winner, I am sure some people ICly wouldn't want to go. Ignis Worshippers wouldn't go to any ball that was dedicated to another god, and etc.
It's a competition in it's own right. And the Winner deserves whatever outcome they get because they put the most money into it.
No one voted for ignis or put money in his/her/their chest


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
It was a metaphorical example to demonstrate that no matter what god/event wins it. There will be people who wouldn't go because their characters wouldn't ICly
oooooh- welp! I keep messing things up a lot lately


Doge Keeper
It was a metaphorical example to demonstrate that no matter what god/event wins it. There will be people who wouldn't go because their characters wouldn't ICly
Yeah, but I believe the point is that they would at least have the opportunity to go. Like, I don't know that too many characters would be terribly picky. Characters would likely just go to enjoy a ball. :p I do realize that it is competition however! So I shall put my money where my mouth is.


Lord of Altera
Part of that doesn't feel fair, in the sense I've put so much in. While I absolutely don't mind Jax losing, the concept I'm limited in the final result (I'm not willing pour more money into it) makes me a lil' sad. :p
Oh well.
The statement goes for all the other gods as well. If Jax wins, all my characters would not attend due to the fact they don't worship him. That goes for all the other characters that don't worship him as well. Perhaps that's not true for your character and they'll go to whatever deity that wins, but this can go both ways.
And I am sure a lot of people have put a lot in this competition, not only yourself.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I'm a heathen so that means I shoudlnt vists any ball. Buuuut that doesnt mean I wont you, mwhuehehehe