Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Few Skins i made...


Lord of Altera
I recently made a few skins and apparently they're pretty good so here is a few samples. Please tell me what you think. My friend, mineturtletrap and i are both making a few skins now so we are open to requests. If you want one, just say and we'll have a go...
Ray's skin on the dude.png Greyling inventor, currently Ray1333's skin.
Angry's skin on the dude.png Some Dude that Angryboy asked me to make, at least he told me what he wanted and i converted it to LIFE! I hope he likes it (if he doesn't, just tell me and i will adjust it, the beard was the way to get out of making a mouth) . I had a go anyway...
My Skin on the dude.pngmy skin (hood down).png Rogue, currently my skin. (it looks a little weird because it's made the hat big, it's not that big in game :p


Lord of Altera
I do think this is the wrong section, I can't move it though

It's supposed to be in others Off topic-> artwork


Lord of Altera
Ok we will start making these skins then :D. Mistaah, if you like i can remove this thread and copy and paste it there?


Lord of Altera
GooGoo01, we have made a skin for you, tell us what you think or any adjustments you need :D. (Actually we made 2 of them) I told you my friend would do a good job.
GooGoo's skin on the dude.png Here is the first one.
or there is this one...
GooGoo's other skin on the dude.png here is the second one.
Don't even hesitate to say if there is anything you want done to it!



Lord of Altera
i'm working on your skin culneaj. It should be ready for you this evening, we need to discuss payment also so try to be on the server this evening


Lord of Altera
Apollo, here is your skin of the earthspawn (Earthspawn are orcs and goblin things i hope), if you want any changes just say, it took me several tries but here's what came out...
Apollo's Skin on the dude.pngApollo's skin on the dude (back).png


Lord of Altera
Garrim Duskhammer (beard is attached to his sideburns and is the same color as his hair*
My friend has made part of your skin now, what he's done is a base character, he wants you to tell him what to add (a hammer on the back, heavy armour, scars etc...)


Lord of Altera
finished! i made a few ajustments, like a gold circlet on his head and gold flecks in the beard. also i added some knee guards and also a hammer on his back. i also sorted the corrections that you wanted on the skin.image.jpg image.jpg