Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Few Skins i made...


Official Alteran
I could use a skin
<-- my profile pic explains the face, but could you make the eyes like the one in the files? thanks! also she is lower class so get creative with the clothing. thanks so much! (P.S. the skin below can be used as a referance)



Lord of Altera
Ella, i will get right onto your skin, anything else you want? Also thank you for the reference skin, that will be very useful.


Lord of Altera
GooGoo01, we have made a skin for you, tell us what you think or any adjustments you need :D. (Actually we made 2 of them) I told you my friend would do a good job.
View attachment 19945 Here is the first one.
or there is this one...
View attachment 19947 here is the second one.
Don't even hesitate to say if there is anything you want done to it!
follow+like if you are full of awesomeness (+recklesssquid for organising and stuff)


Official Alteran
No, and sorry for the late add on but could you make a second (seperate skin) with a light gray robe? I'd perfer the ends of the hair on the front showing and also her scar! Thanks! :p


Lord of Altera
ooooh.... squidy squiddy squid squid

don't worry ill hassle him for you..... starting hassling sequence 01- poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke


Lord of Altera
Sorry Guys, i have to admit, i have been slacking, just got guild wars 2 and i got hooked :p. I'll go back to making skins now.


Lord of Altera
Ok Ella, i think your skin is ready, this was probably one of the most difficult skins i have made so if there is anything missing, anything you want added or anything you don't like please say.Ella's skin on the dude.png


Official Alteran
Whats the brown line over her face D:
and also could you erase the bottom of the scar?


Official Alteran
Thanks! I might edit it a little (just hair in to the front) but thats it (ps wheres the download?)