Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A lovely message~


Lord of Altera
A new notice flies on the crossroads message board
'To all the lands of the smart, I present you a challenge.'


(( This would be written in lovely ink of the medieval times, I'm waaay to lazy to do it even remotely medieval though.~ ))

'This code contains a message for all those who wish to reap its rewards. If you would also be kind enough to keep your findings to yourself, that would be lovely.'

'Good luck.'

OOC: This code is actually breakable, it is hard of course, but it works. I would also like it if you found out the code, you tell no one of it, to keep it a challenge for everyone else thanks.~

Also, if your character has a good brain behind them, and you may be stuck on the code, I'd happily send you the code if you had enough justification IC'ly.~

And . . . This would not lead to anyone in particular, VIA handwriting or anything else . . . So do not meta this please. The whole code works off not knowing


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
No, but, my dilemna is this: Som probably wouldn't have the patience for it anymore, and Kelta would never see it.

*will solve it anyways*


Lord of Altera
No, but, my dilemma is this: Som probably wouldn't have the patience for it anymore, and Kelta would never see it.

*will solve it anyways*
make an excuse for Kelta to solve it.
someone drags her outside to talk to people.

she ignores all the people to look at a puzzle.
: D


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
It's hard to crack with letter frequency, since many of the characters occur the same amount of times but I'm going to try anyways.


Lord of Altera
Its not meant to be easy, but thats half the fun.
Yeah.... this is going to take me awhile if I do get it at all.
When I was making it, I came up with something like this
30 seconds to decode, 30 minutes to make, 30 hours to crack.

The first two seem about right from what I have done~


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I can't solve this. D: Niah the character surely can't. And Aracena could have solved it once upon a time, but not in her current state. But I will not give up! I will not be deterred! *Sits with serious determined thought face*


Lord of Altera
I would try solving it, doubt I could but it wouldn't matter Cus in RP nine of my chars has a way of knowing :c


Lord of Altera
Just curious, who is actually trying to solve it OOC? I have been contacted about some characters figuring out the code, yet only one person that I am aware of is actually getting around to cracking the code OOC'ly. Would just like a heads up with who is actually giving it a shot!