Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A lovely message~


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I have also been trying, but I'm having significant trouble. Most of these troubles are manifest to my current homework load, so I still might be able to crack it once that eases up. I don't know if I will end up getting any further than I already am.


Dead Man Walking
A new notice flies on the crossroads message board
'To all the lands of the smart, I present you a challenge.'

View attachment 56222

(( This would be written in lovely ink of the medieval times, I'm waaay to lazy to do it even remotely medieval though.~ ))

'This code contains a message for all those who wish to reap its rewards. If you would also be kind enough to keep your findings to yourself, that would be lovely.'

'Good luck.'

OOC: This code is actually breakable, it is hard of course, but it works. I would also like it if you found out the code, you tell no one of it, to keep it a challenge for everyone else thanks.~

Also, if your character has a good brain behind them, and you may be stuck on the code, I'd happily send you the code if you had enough justification IC'ly.~

And . . . This would not lead to anyone in particular, VIA handwriting or anything else . . . So do not meta this please. The whole code works off not knowing
Could you re-write this more precisely for me? I think I may be reading some symbols the wrong way.


Dead Man Walking
What? I meant to ask for you to write out the same thing but with more precise penmanship.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
As much as Landir would love to try his luck at breaking this, I must say he'd also have to decline. Due to recent events, my son Magnus , T'is hard to find time of peace to do fun things!


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I know Josef is capable of breaking it IC, but honestly, wheres the fun in that? I am however, going to wait on the version that is more clear, because I think I might have mistaken some characters as unique when they are actually the same as another character. If that's the case, I will be most unhappy as all my work will be wrong.