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A query about imprisonment


Lord of Altera
It can happen to anyone
You happen to walk into some place and get imprisoned.
But the thing is...
I can't RP or anything while in prison. You have to wait until someone lets you out, which could be a long time, whether you are in the prison IC or OOC.
What if someone doesn't let you out, and the prison is impossible to get out? Can you, say, bribe a guard or something?
Because atm I'm in prison.
And I can't do anything.


Lord of Altera
My guess is it depends on the prison and the owner. You may want to ask the owner of the prison to see if they've got any, I don't know, sharp things laying around in the cell et cetera. I suppose there's an argument on your behalf if you're being kept there and not allowed RP in any way, but if the person keeps you there with good RP in mind there should be a way to get out, be it bribing an NPC guard, the classic "steal his keys from his belt while he's not looking" , or otherwise.


Lord of Altera
Are you being fed? You could allow yourself to die of malnourishment; or food or water deficit.


Lord of Altera
Dying is always an option....
I presume you still have your clothes... so.... a little ingenuity...


Lord of Altera
Dying in prison isn't necessarily suicide - there are lots of ways to die in prison, as mentioned before. Plus, the rats are lovely. I'm sure they'd love to give you a disease.


The Kingdom Crusher
Well, Mucus was talking about killing themselves with their clothes. That's suicide. And even if they caught a disease, I'm sure the sisterhood don't revive people who die of natural causes (otherwise a lot of old men and women'd be around, need clarification though).


Non sum qualis eram
Before you inform people about the rules for revival, perhaps you should read the thread.

Of note: The motive or reasoning behind a character's death, nor their value in any war effort against a now dead foe come into bear with this new system - The only thing that matters is they wish to be revived - to get on the list, and how much glory they are willing to grant Shalherana.

It is not very much so condoned to have people unilaterally take away someone else's ability to use their character. Ingenuity, combined with the rules at present, mean, while you can definately be continually inconvienced, it is unlikely for oneself to be permanently deprived of the ability to use their character.

Wanting to do that to someone isn't very nice to begin with, and I shouldn't really need to worry about leaving all these byways that I do, but I have to and thus I do.


The Kingdom Crusher
So, suicide isn't even the end? So what's the point of prison? War? How do you stop people from doing things?

The people arrested in Hound-ru were arrested for repeated offences. They kept on breaking the rules.


Lord of Altera
Maybe that's a discussion for a suggestions thread? It's all well and good that you can spot something you think is wrong, but that's useless if you haven't a solution.


The Kingdom Crusher
Hmph. But still. I don't want to stop him playing his character permanently, but what should I do? People scale the walls and keep on coming into Hound-ru. It's a citadel of barbarians. People forget that so much. If we beat them up, they come back, if we kill them, revived and come back. The point is is that people keep coming back!


Lord of Altera
Hmph. But still. I don't want to stop him playing his character permanently, but what should I do? People scale the walls and keep on coming into Hound-ru. It's a citadel of barbarians. People forget that so much. If we beat them up, they come back, if we kill them, revived and come back. The point is is that people keep coming back!
Well, maybe make the walls higher? You can literally JUMP in, from a multitude of places.