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A query about imprisonment


Lord of Altera
I liked the idea of paying for NPC's to act as things like guards or villagers. It could then be accepted that getting past them would be impossible without killing them.


Lord of Altera
Okay, there is a clear problem here. You are going into someone elses land, and claiming that you are allowed to do whatever the hell you want in there and not be punished for it. No, that's not how it should work. It's their land, they are barbarians. You cannot go into their land and not expect to be captured, killed, or maimed.
Hmmm... When did I ever say that I was allowed to do whatever I wanted to?
Wait. I didn't,
Get your facts straight.


Lord of Altera
Okay, there is a clear problem here. You are going into someone elses land, and claiming that you are allowed to do whatever the hell you want in there and not be punished for it. No, that's not how it should work. It's their land, they are barbarians. You cannot go into their land and not expect to be captured, killed, or maimed.
From my observer point of view, you're miffed that folk come into your "horde of babar-ians" and trot about.
Welcome to MMO where things like this happen, unless you keenly work to prevent it.


Lord of Altera
You came into his land and made a thread complaining about being imprisoned.
No, I made a thread complaining about not being able to do ANYTHING while imprisoned, as in RP etc, and that hey refused to let me out.
And, again, at what point did I say that I could do anything I wanted?


Lord of Altera
i avoided this on Arch by inadvertently taking a lethal hit to my thigh artery in a duel
I don't really see what this has to do with the conversation?
And, to Goldengem etc, I told you at least 5 times I would not come back, and you didnt listen. BEar in mind, I told them this Ooc, not ic.


Non sum qualis eram
This is another Morton's Fork for me, because I've yet to find an answer to the whole concept of "People get into RP conflicts and they don't end."

I'm always willing to look at well-thought-through solutions or mechanics but right now I'm sticking with what we have based off previous consultations.

The golden rule is, and remains, if you cannot work in a co-operative storytelling environment with someone else, don't instigate and try to separate out.

If people get into a situation that is too sticky for the above to work the staff can try and mediate after we hear both sides of the issue.


The Kingdom Crusher
I'd love it if there was just a way to file a restraining order. Like, he gets revived, he can't get killed in the same place because then it's just him being thick. That'd stop rule breaking as much.


The Kingdom Crusher
I wasn't insulting you, I was just saying that it wouldn't be smart to come back to the place after this and that if any character came back to a place they were killed it would be stupid.


Lord of Altera
I wasn't insulting you, I was just saying that it wouldn't be smart to come back to the place after this and that if any character came back to a place they were killed it would be stupid.
Yet you called me thick. I take that as an insult.
I went back for personal RP reasons.
What id you were killed in Port Silver?
Would it then be stupid to ever go back there?
I think not.


The rosiest of forests.
I'm sorry but from the way I see this.. you've said repeatedly in OOC /this time/ that you would not come back.. yet before hand on previous events you have done something they have not liked, they asked for you to leave, ( I'm assuming so, from what's been stated. ) And yet you've come back and done it again?
I'd call that grounds for stepping in and imprisonment. If it helps, then it helps...

Please, don't see this as trying to start an argument.. merely trying to figure out what the heck this, *Motions to thread.* All is.


Lord of Altera
Naelwyn has told us his conclusion regarding this, I think it'd be best for a staff member to lock the thread before it gets further out of hand; I can see the negative ratings appearing and they're not very pretty (nor are pointless arguments).