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A query about imprisonment


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Yet you called me thick. I take that as an insult.

No, he didn't. He implied doing so would be thick, not you. The action would be stupid, not the person. Please do read before you get worked up about something.

Now, Port Silver is a completely different thing. If you need to be there, you'd go there. If your business could not be conducted elsewhere, you'd push past it. However, going waaay out of your way to go somewhere that makes you very uncomfortable? I think not. Would you go off to Macedonia if all the while there, you felt extremely uncomfortable, unsafe, sick even?

I think not.


Lord of Altera
No, he didn't. He implied doing so would be thick, not you. The action would be stupid, not the person. Please do read before you get worked up about something.

Now, Port Silver is a completely different thing. If you need to be there, you'd go there. If your business could not be conducted elsewhere, you'd push past it. However, going waaay out of your way to go somewhere that makes you very uncomfortable? I think not. Would you go off to Macedonia if all the while there, you felt extremely uncomfortable, unsafe, sick even?

But it doesn't make me uncomfortable.
Oh, and Lokhan has a relationship there, so yeah.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
K9 has an absolutely lovely point. I think any good or decent RPer would work with the Engems on this, and try their best to minimize the amount of stress and annoyance caused by character conflict.

But it doesn't make me uncomfortable.
Oh, and Lokhan has a relationship there, so yeah.
If you died there, the area should make you VERY uncomfortable. To do otherwise borders upon over-powered play.

Hmph. But still. I don't want to stop him playing his character permanently, but what should I do? People scale the walls and keep on coming into Hound-ru. It's a citadel of barbarians. People forget that so much. If we beat them up, they come back, if we kill them, revived and come back. The point is is that people keep coming back!
.. Scale the walls? Someone *recently, even, had their climbing perms revoked and was subsequently banned for abusing it. No one should be able to go over 2 blocks height without assistance. If this happens with your walls, report it - People who abuse the plugin will not be allowed to keep it.

I'll edit in a link to Legions' very clearly defined ruleset in a moment.
Edit: Rules of Climbing.
{Click Here}
Last edited:


The Kingdom Crusher
Also, scaling the mountain. Sadly it's currently able to be done my vinilla standards, but the fact that this line:
.. Scale the walls? Someone had their climbing perms revoked and was subsequently banned for abusing it. No one should be able to go over 2 blocks height without assistance. If this happens with your walls, report it - People who abuse the plugin will not be allowed to keep it.
Is a thing is amazingly comforting. I'll get to work on doing out the terrain and working out kinks.


Coffee Enthusiast
-Realistically- you shouldn't be able to scale.... majority of mountains in Altera. Unless you had proper equipment to do such.
But sadly, Minecraft makes this easy, being able to jump from block to block. Thus scaling the mountain and jumping into Hound-Ru. It's just unrealistic, and should be impossible RPly. ( Again, unless one had the proper equipment. )


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
But it doesn't make me uncomfortable.
Oh, and Lokhan has a relationship there, so yeah.
Holy moley, if he has a relationship there that he's willing to risk his life for, why wouldn't he just use the APS to say

"Hey, don't want to be there, let's go smooch elsewhere."

The point is, be sensible. People forget the meaning of life on HW. The sisterhood removes any dangers of death, which I hoped would be changed by this new system. However, it seems only to have made people more wary of death (which is 10/10 amazing in my books, a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step)

Please, please, pleeeeaaaaaaaase, be more thoughtful about all of this. I'm going to use another country for this reference.

Say you came to Ireland and everyone there was a raging brute that hated your guts. Would you go there for a relationship, for fear of your life or imprisonment? I sure as the nose on my face wouldn't.



Lord of Altera
-Realistically- you shouldn't be able to scale.... majority of mountains in Altera. Unless you had proper equipment to do such.
But sadly, Minecraft makes this easy, being able to jump from block to block. Thus scaling the mountain and jumping into Hound-Ru. It's just unrealistic, and should be impossible RPly. ( Again, unless one had the proper equipment. )
I agree.
I personally don't climb up mountains, but there should be a rule against climbing mountains if there is one block between one block up or something

Holy moley, if he has a relationship there that he's willing to risk his life for, why wouldn't he just use the APS to say

"Hey, don't want to be there, let's go smooch elsewhere."

The point is, be sensible. People forget the meaning of life on HW. The sisterhood removes any dangers of death, which I hoped would be changed by this new system. However, it seems only to have made people more wary of death (which is 10/10 amazing in my books, a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step)

Please, please, pleeeeaaaaaaaase, be more thoughtful about all of this. I'm going to use another country for this reference.

Say you came to Ireland and everyone there was a raging brute that hated your guts. Would you go there for a relationship, for fear of your life or imprisonment? I sure as the nose on my face wouldn't.

I do understand your point, and I understand I made a mistake, but I didn't expect to be kept there for ages, and not able to revive.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I do understand your point, and I understand I made a mistake, but I didn't expect to be kept there for ages, and not able to revive.

I once heard this super cheesy quote, but it seems oddly relevant here.

"Expect nothing in life, only death. Death is the only certain in life."



i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
This argument isn't going anywhere.

If you guys can't work out some sort of compromise, one can be inferred by the staff.

However, I do request that the pointless bickering comes to an end.