Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alteran ball,party, gathering, formal dance...whatever you call it

Formal Dance RP?

  • nah

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • yeah

    Votes: 76 79.2%
  • meh.......................

    Votes: 10 10.4%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 4 4.2%

  • Total voters

JLA Montoya

I think I might like it here
Name: Duke Montoya (JLAMontoya)
Time: US Eastern Time
Job: Guest

My only request is that we all have a date and time sometime soon.


Lord of Altera
I still have to figure out the exact date (I'm still working on remodeling the silver palace)
but I do have the time and day of the week.
TIME: Reception will start on
4 P.M. EST US <correct time>
1 P.M. Pacific US
3 P.M. Central US
10 P.M. GMT
11 P.M. CET
PLACE (just in case):
Silver Palace, Dagger Fall
P.S. I had trouble calculating the times from EST US to other time zones. So if there's an error
please let me know! I'd like to fix it ASAP
P.P.S The reception will last about 40min to an hour so don't rush, take your time!
P.P.P.S. The time won't change for sure; it can't be delayed nor forwarded, I apologize for this inconvenience
P.P.P.P.S. I apologize again for taking a long time to prep this RP event. I assure you that the
process will run faster and you'll soon have the exact date (which I'll provde at least a week
in advance-the staffs will be notified more early than the guests via pm).
So please spread the word and remember, EVERYONE is invited!


Lord of Altera
uhm... I think CET should be 11pm... because if it's 9pm CET we'll be celebrating this 2 hours before the GMT people will start to :p


Bandit Overlord
*Opens a secret compartment in his basement revealing a mask collection worthy of any masquerade ball* Hmm which to wear? (suggestions for a mask theme I should wear for the ball?)