Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


The Lurker
Retired Staff
When folks need things OOCly regarding Thiil just ask. If anyone needs something regards the Mithtanils or something ICly with Thiil, you can poke me. But she's being shelved pretty much indefinitely. I may bring her back to activity, but doubtful. She had a good run, but I made some bad calls and she broke as a character. Not proud of my RP skill with her.

Soooooo- Myes.
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
>< I know that feel- I can say it does happen and yet rails can be re-found. I'd recommend just flowing with who she has become and not what she should oocly be or be doing, but I know it's a challenging task. I hope the character finds her way somehow during shelf time with the books, spider webs and dust.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Guys...Jishrim's "Chosen" is now Shelfed....just wait for Jishrim to show himself...
Run you fools!
*flails around Dwarvishly while sprinting away*


The Lurker
Retired Staff
It's always a bummer to shelve a character, especially the nutty ones . . . :p

But I really likes the way she developed, even just by hearing from word of mouth and the profile updates, it felt like a great character
She was for a time. But I broke character one too many times until she wasn't a character anymore. She had a great story for a while and was quite the experience for my first HW character. She may come back one day, and will definitely be snaggable if someone specifically goes knocking on her door in Thiil. But otherwise, she'll have a wonderful display on a shelf.


Lord of Altera
She was for a time. But I broke character one too many times until she wasn't a character anymore. She had a great story for a while and was quite the experience for my first HW character. She may come back one day, and will definitely be snaggable if someone specifically goes knocking on her door in Thiil. But otherwise, she'll have a wonderful display on a shelf.
Yea . . . I suppose-


Roleplay keeper
She was for a time. But I broke character one too many times until she wasn't a character anymore. She had a great story for a while and was quite the experience for my first HW character. She may come back one day, and will definitely be snaggable if someone specifically goes knocking on her door in Thiil. But otherwise, she'll have a wonderful display on a shelf.
I'll just be here, waiting to knock~


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I'm... Having a weird urge... Not to bring her back into main play... But Thiil is so empty lately that it hurts. I may bring her back from time to time just to get folks back to Thiil. Like a regularly scheduled maintenance sort of thing.