Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Add Rose in relationship? Or is she Neatural?
Most everyone not listed goes to the "Wary Of:" category.

But now you kind of know why Aracena was so weird and dodgy when Rose approached.~ She was working on a plan to try and escape Jishrim. :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Added that there Shalherana quote to the main profile.~

For light, there must be shadow. It is not a mark of shame you bear. Wear it with pride. Be in suffering no longer. Be at peace, and should all the peoples give you pardon for the burden you carry.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
._. and all out of the sudden the mansion doesnt look as dark as I meant it to be. . .


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Updates! Least favorite character of mine shows hope!

Current Disposition: She still does not trust easily, but she also does not hate as strongly. Certain situations prompt a coldness. But... Overall she is easing up. Her thoughts are her own. Shalherana has calmed her. She's found purpose and distraction in managing Thiil affairs with her husband again. Aracena is improving. Not the same as she was before the curse, but not so difficult as she recently was.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
+ Updated religion
+ Updated goals
+ Updated relations. A lot of people were nixed mostly because of really old grudges.


Lord of Altera
"Artesia: Artesia has her own form of madness. Her obsession makes Aracena a bit defensive, as Cena feels everything she has right now could crumble at any time. She does not want to risk going into a fit and she fears Artesia may cause that. She wants to stay well for her sons, and wants them to be safe and well also. Thus, a certain wariness of the elf's increasingly uncomfortable attachment. (I'M SORRY I AM AWFUL.)"

T_T this is good though, getting called out and hearing these things directly from Aracena could be the kick Artesia needs to try and be more normal.