Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


Lord of Altera
I just now noticed Aracena's voice is Ysolda from Skyrim.

... I married Ysolda. as a Khajiit assassin werewolf who hoards skulls and likes children.
you know something, that voice totally fits.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Small update to relations. The intervention didn't quite go as planned, so had to move a few people.

On an out of character note, Bette has me expecting strange affections from everywhere right now. Nylarii grabs Aracena's face with both hands. Mich and I are like, "HERE IT COMES. WHAT." But it didn't. And then Aewin approaches Cena, and then holds her in an embrace. Mich and I are like, "WHAT IS EVEN." But then he stepped back. I think we're gun shy now. xD

@Elz @Lannis @Michcat @bettemus99


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Will admit I thought someone was gonna be attacked and/or die when Aewin did the Cena-embrace.
... And Nylarii tried, got much dislike for doing so. Will hide in the mountains now.