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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


Lord of Altera
That was posted before awkward tea party turned into passive aggressive staring contest tea party. And then evil question game tea party!~
*laughs even moar evily* That's what happens when you make Kopii sad/upset/fearful 8D

Also Aracena totally stole that poppy Kopii threw at her heyyyy HEEeeeeyyyy
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
*laughs even moar evily* That's what happens when you make Kopii sad/upset/fearful 8D

Also Aracena totally stole that poppy Kopii threw at her heyyyy HEEeeeeyyyy
I am the Poppy Bandit. Nobody can stop me now.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
PANDORA- Pandora. Pandora, honey. I know you're sometimes psychic, magically knowing what music I want to hear. But now you're psychic about my virtual life too? Someone needs to put you in Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum~

Really though, was just going about my business and heard this song for the first time. If ever there was a theme song for Aracena- Just this.



i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
PANDORA- Pandora. Pandora, honey. I know you're sometimes psychic, magically knowing what music I want to hear. But now you're psychic about my virtual life too? Someone needs to put you in Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum~

Really though, was just going about my business and heard this song for the first time. If ever there was a theme song for Aracena- Just this.

Pandora doesn't work in Canada.

... I mourn.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
DON'T CRY, MICH. There's still Spotify.

((I hadn't thought about that, but yeah. Birdy does have a similar vibe.))
Spotify is banned in canada too-

If you use Google Chrome, there is this handy little add on called Hola!, you can set it to US, and then go to Pandora
and BOOM it works.

..... I will report back with my findings.

Edit: no dice ;-;
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
;-; Cal would be heartbroken if he knew what was going on with Aracena on the inside.
To him she seems like such a nice person ;-;
Aww. I'm having a mixture of :) and :( at that. The smiley face because he cares and sad face because, well. Obvious reasons, I suppose. xD