Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Asirel_Luik's RE-Application [Approved- solus]

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
About you
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

2) How old are you?
25 - 26 this coming up January (Whatcha gettin for my birthday? ;) )

3) Where are you?
United States, South Eastern area

4) Have you read our guides yet?
Read the origionals - but refreshed up on them! Also - will bookmark in case something comes up.

5) Introduce yourself!
My actual name is Laura, and just recently I got married! I've known the man for years, but just recently the both of us got stupid enough to finally tie the knot. And thanks to the help of my mother, and my grandmother, the wedding was beautiful. Though, that just might me being bias. Haha.

But currently, I'm working as a call center rep, which means that I make calls to people who are default on car loans. (Simply? I'm the call you DON'T wanna get when you have a car loan. The "You're so many days past due, so what are you gonna pay me to day so that I stop calling you?" lol) But really, it's fulfilling work. Considering my last job was a cashier, where I obtained several physical problems due to their... lax policy about taking breaks... (10-12 hours on my feet, no lunch break or actual BREAK BREAK... I'd have to pretend to make a phone call and go outside to sit in my car for 10 minutes or so just until I could feel my feet again...) So my suggestion? DON'T... ignore your body... fyi. If you feel something isn't right? Probably aint... Cause yeah... medical bills suck. LISTEN TO YER BODY, FOLKS!!

Currently, I've been taking apart a few different old computers in an attempt to make my husbands computer run better. Which is why I'd probably be on my laptop during the times that I get online. Unless I can get him to use the PS4 that I bought him for christmas... after he begged... *sweatdrop* ANYWAY! Ontop of that, I enjoy playing Destiny for the ps4, and I've been itching to play Spore again for a while now... I wanna see what sort of weird creature I can come up with. :) But I gotta say that I like Destiny more... cause there's the chance to play with other people. That's one thing that Spore doesn't have, is that ability to talk to people. And that's why I like THAT kind of game more, is literally because of contact. I miss contact with PEOPLE! And the friendlier the better.

Aside from that, I'm starting to try to learn to draw better. I've been doing a lot of pen on paper, but I'm going to be getting a drawing program soon so that I'm not wasting paper... So if anyone reads this, and knows of a good program? Message me and let me know please... But I'll probably post my attempt of my latest piece on my profile page so that people can help. I know I have a long way to go, but I'm trying! So if any artists wanna give me a few hints or tips? I totally wouldn't mind that.

Lastly? I'm also trying to turn my cooking into a web blog. I cook something, then take a picture of the food, plus a list of what's in it and how I put it together. I feel I'm pretty good so far as Asian styled meals due to my ex boyfriend being Asian and I had to cater, BUT! I'm trying to learn a little more French styled food... so again, hit me up if anyone has a recipe I could try!

6) Got any examples of your work?
I'll pull a piece of writing I have on here, as a writing example, then upload a pic of the picture I doodled today while at work. Haha, productive, right?

“Luis! Don't let go! Please! Don't fall! I don't want to lose you...” Friends, that's all that we are. But it's hard to tell. I consider him my brother... Simply because in times like this before he always had my back. But how far have we fallen, what new levels of hell is this. Now, hanging from the edge, one of us secure as the other hangs by a limb. Tears from both eyes simply blow away in the cold wind as I watch him sway. “Luis, please grab my hand... Brother, you have to come back up... Just stretch! Just reach! You can do it! I believe in you...” But his only response is to look up at me with sorrow filled eyes, broken eyes. Eyes that have seen many wrong doings, and obviously have seen a lot of hurt.
“Luis... You can't give up...” Just looking into the eyes of my brother, it reminds me of myself. Maybe that's another reason why I'm trying to save him from his own spiraling disaster. Maybe the thoughts of me being able to crawl from the same spot with help from others makes me believe that my brother, who I always saw as so strong... Could do it to? Looking into his eyes, it causes a flashback of a time of my life that I tried to keep buried.
“My god, you're such a stalker! Just go away already, Laura! You know how I feel about you... Won't you just go away already?!” Flinching as I hear the door slam, tears running down my face, hands balled into fists as it feels as if someone just stabbed me in the stomach repeatedly. Pain, if only it was physical though. I could at least medicate the pain away... But no, this is deeper. This is on an emotional level.
“Yeah... I know... You said that you loved me...” Shaking, standing to my feet and just turning to go back to my room and lay face up on my bed and stare at my ceiling as I shake. I can't cry out loud, I can't make a sound. Speechless. A smile plays across my face, but this is no normal smile. This is the smile of a broken woman.
“You'll come back when she refuses to stay with you... You always do, Robert... And like a fool, I'm going to fall for you once more and ask myself why I even doubted us in the first place... That you were just exploring...” Closing my eyes, trying not to scream. The neighbors might hear. Again... If only this was physical... I could medicate it. But... There is one way to medicate this sort of pain... But I won't think of that right now.
“Laura... I can't... I'm so tired. I'm so tired of trying. I'm so tired...” I watch him begin to slip, wailing, I try to get his attention. Anything, just to make him try...
“Luis! Don't you dare! You promised me that you would be there if I ever got married... You promised me! You Promised! And you said I could always trust your promises... Remember?! You said you wouldn't leave me, Luis! Brother! Please!” He looks up, and it's a surprise. There's a spark there. Good, bad, or indifferent, it's there. There's some sort of fire there. “You promised me in that email that we would always be friends... That nothing would be able to separate us... And if you're going to make this jump, then Luis? You're lying to me!” Again, a spark, but after the spark dies, I see him fall back down into his own misery. “Please... Can't we at least talk about this on solid ground?” Shaking his head hard he looks down at the black below him.
“Laura... I just want to die... Please... Give me that... Let me die...” That phrase... It knocks the wind out of my chest. I've heard it before. I've said it before.
“Mary... I just want to die... Please... Give me that... Let me die...” Staring down the neck of a darkly tinted bottle, I try to ignore the tears from the girl across from me on the bed. “It's over... He's never coming back. He's never going to come back...” Slamming her fits down on the bed, she reaches out quickly and takes the bottle from me, though it's not quite hard considering I can't even really tell where I am. My world is spinning, I see double. I feel as if I'm going to pass out soon...

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?
Truth? I didn't do MUCH exploring before realizing something was wrong, so I logged off. BUT - I remember the old server, so I have in fact been here before. :)

8) Referrer: (Optional)
Uhm... Myself? Ha!


About your character
Name:Aurica Bettina


Human - Imma keep it simple. FOR NOW! (Dundunduuuun~)


This is the link to the actual skin, to make it easier to see.


The test

Looking from one side to the next, Aurica stepped across the cobble street, pulling her overcoat closer to her body and hiding farther down into her hood as she attempted to hide the bottle in her hand and the rather hefty amount of coins in her pocket. Smirking a little, she easily slipped it into her inner pocket, believing she had gotten away with the theft, but only a few more steps would prove her wrong as she heard the shop clerk yell out to her to come back. Blue eyes snap wide as she turned to find the clerk heading her direction with a fist in the air.
"Well... so much for this...."
Taking a deep breath, she took off at a sprint as she dodged people as they came up the walkway. Several near misses and a few not so near, she finally dove into a ally way, covering her mouth and holding her breath as she waited to see if he had followed her that closely. Shaking and nervous, she heard someone running closer before finally flying past. The clerk had completely missed her in her tiny hiding hole. With a snerk, she pulled the vial out of her pocket to look it over. Swirling blue and sparkles sat in the glass, Aurica taking a moment to admire the colors.
"That jerk had better pay up... I don't do this for free, I hope they know..."
Placing the bottle back into her pocket, she pulled her overcoat closer to her again as she plodded down the ally, looking around at the houses around where she was to see if there was any tempting places to sting before making it back to her contact. Figuring she might as well get something out of this as well, she spotted a rather large home off at the end of the street. Grinning, she looked around before making her way to the home.
"Hmmm... Well, that would look nice in a pawn shop... And that might get me a good penny from the fence..."
It took her no time at all to wiggle open a window, slipping in without making a sound. Slinking from room to room, she began to pick up as many of the more pricey items as she could before she heard a key jingling in the lock at the front. With the same noiseless grace, she disappeared through the window just as easily as she appeared. Feeling like she had finally picked up enough items for the day, she ducked between trees and bushes, making her way back to the contact drop off location to see just how much the little blue bottle would make her.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
What was in the blue bottle? An Alchemical potion or colored liquid? Both are adequately fine to match the Lore, but just need to be sure-


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Survival Guide
Tome of Citizenship
Commands Guide
How to create your character profile
Town Census
Server Rules
Using Titles ingame
Rules for Roleplay
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.