Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Asirel_Luik's Re-Application. Pt 2...0. Electric boogaloo. [ Approved - Kostadim ]

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. Where is your last approved Whitelist Application?

3. Have you re-read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides again?

4. Tell us about yourself!
Well, I've been here before. Obviously. But I'm coming back because Tot's dragging me back kicking and screaming. So, as far for me not much has changed. I'm still writing for fun, and RPing when I can. I still have 3 cats. (Mochi, Cream, and Hodor.) I have a new car, a 2021 Mitsubishi Mirage that I've named Dolly, after Dolly Parton. I probably spend too much time cleaning and caring for the car actually... But uh... That's really about it.

About Your Character!
Character Name: Alavara Keayra
Age: 50.
Race: Moor Elf. Gotta go with the old favorite for dipping my toes back into the Hollow World water.
Appearance: Alavara has dark black hair, black black eyes, and dark gray skin. She wears a pair of fitted pants that stay tucked into a pair of boots, and a baggy top. She stands at 5'9" and weighs 135lbs.

Alavara by this point in her life is a simply woman, simply striving to find some form of entertainment. She often finds herself wandering around in an attempt to watch for chaos that might be fun to witness, but more and more recently has found herself driven to tears and is beginning to think perhaps what she's looking for is more than simple bar hopping and cheap thrills.

Alavara looked around the tavern with a rather blank expression as if she was bored with the people who she saw. She had brought herself here for some form of entertainment. Looking for anything to lighten her day, perhaps even being able to watch a bar fight or two! The tavern had always been able to bring her enjoyment, especially when the idiots would gather in flocks to try and prove who was more dominant. Especially when the men would drink themselves into a stupor then believe the lies of the tavern women. Especially the lie of 'truly caring for them', all while watching as those same women would be relieving the men of their money.

Sadly however her visit to the tavern on this particular day only proved to be a horrid disappointment. There wasn't anything here but various groups tucked into their small corners of the building, muttering between their party. Sighing, the elf brushed her dark black hair back behind her ears before leaning her head back so she could close her charcoal colored eyes. Listening in on the various conversations around herself, it was all she could do to keep from sighing even more loudly when she slowly began to focus further. Hearing more of various affairs, schemes, and all of the gossip in the hall didn't catch her interest anymore. At least, it wasn't entertaining her today. The giggling mistress, the plotting first mate, the angry butler. None of it. Perhaps she was slowly growing jaded to the petty nature of the people around her. Maybe she was simply growing tired of the basic gossip, the plots and plans that seemed to be all talk as nothing ever seemed to come to fruit from these hidden meetings. Or perhaps she simply wanted more 'action'. Something to do, something to happen.

After a few minutes of her strained attempt of light entertainment, the elven woman stood and dusted herself off. Brushing her hands down over her pants and her top before turning to leave through the open door. Perhaps she could go and find someone to annoy personally for entertainment. She did know of a friend or two that she hadn't seen in quite some time. The idea of causing a small bit of chaos for the poor sod finally caused a smile to creep across her lips. Yeah, that seemed like a better plan. And it certainly was better than waiting around in the tavern hall for someone to do something.


Lord of Altera


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!

The King's Law

How to Create a Character


The Official Lore

Town Census

HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!

Plugins Command Guide

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