Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Badallak's Whitelist Application


{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username :


Age :

Country & Timezone :
United States, EST-1

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?

Define Metagaming & Powergaming
Metagaming refers to the act of using outside game knowledge to impact characters and events in the game. Powergaming is the act of declaring one's actions as successful without giving the other player any freedom to act on their own accord.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?

Tell us about yourself!
Well, hi, I'm Badallak. Or simply Bada for short. I'm an eighteen year old female living in the United States, with an appropriate love for video games, art, and roleplaying. I've been playing roleplay games for I want to say six years, across many different platforms. I've only dipped my toe into Minecraft specific roleplay with other servers, but I would love to join the in depth world you've all built!

Referral :
No one's responsible for this discovery but me >: )

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

{Character Section}

Character Name :

Wit Fandra

Age :

Race :
Forest Elf

Appearance :
This young elf's skin is colored a rich umber, with the dark splotchy birthmarks adorning her face blending together with an assortment of freckles. Her frizzy hair grows naturally into a voluminous afro and tinted a dark brown. From birth she possessed a pair of wide steely gray eyes. Her body is outfitted in a flowy, sleeveless white top (notably the crisp white of the shirt has turned ivory after years of use) as well as brown knee-length pants. Her hands are covered in thick leather gloves and her on her feet rest a pair of strappy sandals. She has draped herself in a long scarf tinted red along with some red ribbons of a similar color tied in her hair. To finish it off, on her face is a pair of golden colored glasses, not for any particular reason, but simply because she came across them one day and thought they would look cool.
*sidenote, I struggled to find info on what glasses can and can't do in this world. from what I gleaned they can't actually help fix bad eyesight, but if this isn't the case I would be eternally grateful for some extra clarification . :heart:

MGM Capture (8).pngScreenshot (1).png
*Image Curtesy of Monster Girl Maker 2

Written Test : 877 Words
The story of Wit Fandra's conceivement could be detailed like that of a fairytale. Her parents lived among a small, southern grove in their youth. The two were naturally drawn to each other thanks to their eccentric personalities and extensive imaginations. They both dreamed of what the world was like, what adventures they could endure, until the wanderlust got to the point of bursting. In their teenage years the lovebirds snatched some supplies and set out to explore the outside world. At some point in their travels they crossed paths with a caravan of Soolera Humans, and from there the rest is history. The two eventually become full-fledged members of the Soolerans, albeit adopted, but welcome within the caravan that adopted them. They finally get married and not too long after that conceived their only child, a daughter. Unfortunately, the pregnancy placed quite a toll on the mother, leaving her very weak and prone to illness over the years. Out of fear of losing his love the father pleaded that they have no more children, to which the mother begrudgingly agreed to. During Wit's childhood she regularly saw this anxious side of her father, whether he be worrying about her mother or dealing with her own shenanigans. The young girl found this funny, but her mother in response she would quickly correct her daughter and regale her of the adventures they had when they were younger. These stories became a pillar in Wit's childhood memories, many of which she still remembers to this day. During the long days of travelling Wit most often passed the time with drawing. There wasn't a preference on what materials were used, charcoal, graphite and the like, as long as she could express her creativity onto something (more often than not this something would be the wooden walls of her own family caravan). One evening, with the biannual Fadma fast approaching, Wit was trying her best to draw the night sky beside the lanterns when she heard her parents discussing something in the caravan. Overhearing the conversation from where she sat she could only make out a few words like "your health" and "Soolera". Thinking they were simply talking about her mothers diminishing physical health again, Wit paid it no mind and continued on with her drawing. Eventually the great Fadma came, and it was here that Wit learned what her parents were talking about that night. They both had decided that to not strain the mother any more that they would finally take root in New-Soolera. Wit was surprised, sure, but it didn't seem all that bad. The way her parents brought about this topic made Wit think it was something really serious, but it turned out to not be so bad in her head. In her teenage years however, she would come to regret these words. Life in New-Soolera turned out to be surprisingly dull when compared to the true Soolera lifestyle of roaming the vast expanse of wilderness never knowing what you could come across. Now Wit had to work a multitude of jobs to help support her family, which she did not find amusing. At least her mother could rest more at home so she really had no room to complain. On the day of Wit's fortieth Fadma she was extremely sullen compared to her peers. She watched as true Soolerans of her age were accepted into adulthood, given their ceremonial daggers, and became the focus of celebration. It bummed her out, knowing that she would never really get that same level of treatment due to being rooted. After the ceremonies died down and the caravans were sent on their way, the Fandra's returned to their home. Apparently her parents sensed her downtrodden attitude and tried cheering her up with their own music and dancing, to no avail as Wit tried retreating to her room to sulk. That was when her parents presented something that surprised her. It was a shabby looking dagger, really little in size. The blade appeared to be made of a sharpened stone and the hilt was of a rough wood, like it was straight from a severed branch. Despite this, Wit found a scruffy engraving of her own name into the wooden handle. Her mother explained this as a coming of age gift, as well as a sort of apology for keeping her cooped up in New-Soolera with them. Wit hastily tried to dissuade their worry but her mother saw right through her. "The wanderlust can only be contained for so long," Her mother remarked, while her father clarified that Wit was free to go out and explore the world as she wished. Astonished by all of this, and after taking a few moments to collect her thoughts, Wit agreed that that would do exactly that. The next day she cheerfully went around the city and quit all of her jobs. She would take the money she had amassed so far and make it work, just like true Soolerans! With her dagger affixed on her hip and a bag full of supplies on her back, Wit had a heartfelt goodbye with her parents before turning on her heel and journeying out into the wilderness. What she'll find, well, I suppose only Rawis knows.
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Lord of Altera


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!

The King's Law

How to Create a Character


The Official Lore

Town Census

HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!

Plugins Command Guide

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  • If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.
  • If you feel you'll have trouble getting familiar with the server, post below and I'll contact you in the most convenient way!
  • I'm your whitelist approver and a "PR Member." I'm here to help.