Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Brian Does Skins (Closed)


Lord of Altera
Name- Lucie Firehelm
Gender- Female
Race- Dwarf-DuskHammer
Skin Tone- Pale
Hair Color & Details- Red hair in a short ponytail
Clothing- White shirt and brown vest over brown leggings and boots
Eyes- Amber
Face- has a few scars on her face due to the various fights she's participated in, not sure what else to say :p
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- 4 Pixel
Anything on the armor layer?- Leather gloves & Leather chestplate
Extra Details- Has an iron band on each of her arms
Skin?- I got nothing
Picture References?-
What you want done- need a skin


Dark Council Elite
Name- Ghado. (Link is in my signature under 'Ghado')
Gender- Male.
Race- Silver Elven.
Skin Tone- Tanned! Very tanned, he's from the Southern Sands.
Hair Color & Details- It's short for an elf, although still with a small ponytail. A whiteish silver as expected of most Silver Elves.
Clothing- Very simple- He's spent most of his time in the NK wearing rags, but now has the selection of a closet of commoner clothing. Something likely beige, although still wearing his black vest over it.
Eyes- Silver eyes. Grey-ish. Darker than the hair color for sure.
Face- A mouth yeah, and very light stubble.
4 pixel arms or 3 pixel arms?- 4.
Anything on the armor layer?- Nothing special beyond the base skin's bit on the vest and arms- which will be below!
Extra Details- Nothing too special. I just am mediocre at making elves. Especially ears. I'd love some ears if you'd do. ;-;
Skin?- ghadopic.png ghado-nowrap.png
Picture References?-
What you want done- Skin combination is sort've the.. best way to describe it? New skin? Simple edit? Charge me what ya see fit for my odd request. :heart: