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Calling all Alterans for a state of Emergency!

Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
Hello, this is Knight Xavier of Heavens reach, I have shocking news that we have been overrun by bandits. they have murdered our town members and slaughtered the HR Army. they looted our homes and showed no mercy.

I hear by call a state of emergency for this group of bandits to be eliminate before they take over another town. please any towns, knights or even farmers we need your help we are in dire need of reinforcements. they are strong carrying the finest armour and magical swords. this is Knight Xavier of Heavens reach calling upon your assistance.

Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
There was only a few of the H.R. Army online, Me, Everlegend and vik, we also had help from some other. we didn't stand a chance!


Loyal Servant of Altera
This sounds terrible... I am Part of the Warstrom council I am sure you are aware the Warstrom and HR are both a part of Myrithas so if these scum bandits threaten one of us, they threaten all of us.. I will speak with the council... What did these bandits look like? What were their names.


Lol I like your RP story, Last night I attacked bandits who were trepassing our town, Karuk-Thol.

Karuk-Thol is being protected by demon but its not tamed demon, I was told off by my adopted daughter to look after dwarves.


King ForumStalker
Editted the title of the thread, its Alterans, not Alterians. :rolleyes:

Lets see these bandits try to attack us in New Valkyria, i'll unleash the cannons on them!


Lord of Altera
I'm sure they won't do anything to Witches Brew. I will have a talk with them and they won't harm anyone there.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
They looted our armory too?
I am sure the absent soldiers will return to Heavens Reach soon. Phoenix Eden will gather the remains of the army to go after them.
As one of the cities' architects I will start the repairs and rebuilding as we speak!


Loyal Servant of Altera
So what of the information on the Bandits? Do we have names? Where did they come from?


Loyal Servant of Altera
So you are positive Darthcorey was a part of it... hmmm.... I thought he had changed to be quite honest... well, once a fool always a fool I presume...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well... Seems you were right.. I will discuss these actions with the Warstrom council.. I will reply with results


Loyal Servant of Altera
No. They suck. How the hell can you enjoy griefing?! Your wrecking peoples work. How the hell do you find that 'beautiful'?! Or even damn well funny?!? You would hate it all and try and get people banned if someone did that do you. Hypocrites. Go die in an 8 bit hole. Idiots.
Quite rageful.. Don't stoop to that friend, justice will prevail, in time...


The Arbiter of the Gods
Sorry but part of the order means I am not to take any actions against any affairs... Plus I used to help bandits out quite a bit so.... >.>


Loyal Servant of Altera
Part of the order? What do you speak of?
And the fact that you helped bandits out before can be forgiven for as long as you are not one...


The Arbiter of the Gods
Nah. I helped them in defending but never actually looted anything because it simply means trouble. And it shall not matter what order I am part of