Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Calling all Alterans for a state of Emergency!


Loyal Servant of Altera
I didn't realise Royo was a bandit. I can't jump to conclusions on him, because I don't know much about him. But Reap was talking about bandits last night on TS. But Darthcorey is definitly in there, if he's unbanned.

To you all reaping and darth was not there you need to rethink !

and yeah i can say i was there . and it was so much good armor and wapons there . and yeah the coins !

Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
I thought one of them was alone so I ran after him, little did I know Reapingfaith, Royo and 3 others where waiting for me, I didn't have a chance. I'm only a smith


Lord of Altera
H.R. should be able to take care of themselves and not grobble for assistance. If anything you should contact the Commander of the Military and discuss ways to prevent such an occurrence or solve this diplomatically.

(Edited slightly)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Are you both saying that assistance is not needed? Ok then, but know that Warstrom can always help


Loyal Servant of Altera
Alalia!?!?!? You mean the kind hearted cook!?!? She's a Bandit now!?!? I was not informed of this...


Bandit Overlord
*lurks in the shadows and mutters* It seems you have a bandit problem *evil grin* i have a solution to get them off your back *dramatic pause*........ i heard you can pay em off, like a sort of protection money, but hey dont take my advice i just live my life in solitude. *laughs as he disapears into the shadows* (RP)


The Arbiter of the Gods
*Jumps out in middle of Port Silver* Hey! I have been stalking you! Oh... Wait... Well... Interesting conversation but I have to get back to stalking other people! *jumps into nearest bush and somehow manages to disappear*


Loyal Servant of Altera
No. They suck. How the hell can you enjoy griefing?! Your wrecking peoples work. How the hell do you find that 'beautiful'?! Or even damn well funny?!? You would hate it all and try and get people banned if someone did that do you. Hypocrites. Go die in an 8 bit hole. Idiots.
I thought he meant this was rp event for bandits attacking city =D but if it was only greifing then I take back what I said


Bandit Overlord
(It was RP, no griefing took place the people that were killed attacked the bandits first. The bandits that took part were roleplaying going to collect protection money. The bandits who took part knew their was a good chance the residents wouldnt pay up but they never attacked first they all abided by the rules, btw hate the characters not the real people guys its all RP fun after all most of the people who took part are really nice in real life ^-^ )


Loyal Servant of Altera
Gibbles you have to understand without the bad guy the movie is pointless if you dont like bandits then turn that into rp and atack us.. not just wine about them and then chicken out when it comes time to face my blade :p