Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Conclusions


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
i would like for nwalme (who at this point has already achieved apotheosis as a higher form of being) to cannibalize one or more of the gods and then make a cradle 2.0 that sails through the ocean into somewhere not altera thank you.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Okay it's been a while trying to think of endings, I definitely always had too many characters but it'd feel bad to leave most of them out.

Melarue aspires to contact Dranoden and permanently reside with him, changing from her mortal self to something more akin to him and his ilk. Ever loyal, she'll hold more power in this form than she ever did prior to the change, with a focus on rifts and portals. It will be then her aim to, with Dranoden's assistance, connect two places. One the grand lake of Ashstadt, and the other an unknown, distant, untouched world.

This means that people of Ashstadt will be able to head through, submerging in one lake to emerge in another, parts of Ashstadt cracking and breaking and falling into the lake for the power being so destructive/powerful (this lets me use ruins elsewhere if I ever pick that up).

Ideally.. This will allow for the potential of some players being able to take characters elsewhere (other servers, DND games, whatever else people RP on, etc) if that is something that other places agree to. For me, Melarue gets wrapped up as a character by being with Dranoden like she'd wanted and gets to be a cool demon lady not just possessed. Maybe the big blue star changes in some cool way too once its all done.
(Myrddin also wanted a rift to go elsewhere, unsure if that can tie in here too if Retro wants. It'll involve mud/pan/blarg at least as well, so I'm not sure if I need to make a ticket for it so everyones on board.)

I'd like for Queensport to essentially be surrounded/attacked by a force too big to really fight off. Katherine and Asher remain within the city and pray to the Grey Lady to allow the spirits of their dead family and ancestors of Kane and Varyn to join them in one last dramatic battle. They will fight well enough it provides an opening for some people to escape the lands, though ultimately the city and the living who stay fighting will fall - and return to the Grey Lady's realm together.

Ideally Helena manages to get Skraag to bring back Samael for one night before the end of the world, and they go on a totally romantic killing spree because they're big bad vampires. The dead they leave in their wake can be used by Skraag to fight with, but the two Azarins embrace one more time before turning to ashes upon the next, final sunrise.

Falls incredibly ill and with the news of what is to come finally accepts Nwalme's offer of taking them both to another place, to be together for eternity without the mortal constraints of their bodies. This one is up to blargo, he's had it in mind for a while.

Like with blargo this hinges on Nwalme. If he can make a ship to get Sanardu's people to somewhere else safe, she'll help do that however she can. If Aryn stays to fight instead of leave, she might stay too, but she'll strongly encourage kiddos to be on the ship and get somewhere safe and it'd not take much convincing for her to join them just so they're safe on the way.

Arielle might find a way out of there, might not. Syra either imagines a fantasy with Bishop or caves to a demon who puts her and Bishop's souls together forever in a cute little soul jar. Lisbet tried to steal some dude's cool stuff and died before the end of the world even happened. The rest, who knows.
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Eh, what the hell.
Myrddin to open a rift into a low-fantasy Altera where the gods, magic, titans and other higher beings have very minimal to no ability to reach. In some instance, a similar goal as Ashen Truth, if they could be intertwined in some way(and if person wants that too). Albeit Myrddin's goal is to leave everything behind.
the Ashen Truth will pass lol


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Hello folk- some handful of staff members are going through this. If there's anyone who'd like to write their own conclusions and just want it approved to post, let us know


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Eh, what the hell.
Myrddin to open a rift into a low-fantasy Altera where the gods, magic, titans and other higher beings have very minimal to no ability to reach. In some instance, a similar goal as Ashen Truth, if they could be intertwined in some way(and if person wants that too). Albeit Myrddin's goal is to leave everything behind.
Sounds like hw circa 2015


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Hello- a reminder that if you're attending any of these events, please tag me or DM me as a reminder if you're looking to have your conclusions in them!

You're also welcome to host your own event conclusions for your factions/groups in the july/august months. If you wanted anything special in them done, make a ticket to events, lore or divine


Retired Staff
In immortal style, with four years to fruition:

Further, as the author of the Soolera lore, should they still be floating around as a culture:

Following the arrival of a missive from elsewhere, satisfying a promise older than anyone now alive, the Soolera pack it up and form a Grand Caravan of all their people. As one, they celebrate the world that was and the world that will be. On the fifth day, a great green vortex appears, shimmering and fizzing. The Great Caravan moves to greener pastures, following an ancient shepherd. As they leave the old world, a shining legion crosses into Altera.

The Shepherd Golems, limbs of old Vorar, will open portals for anyone that would like to leave to other worlds but otherwise lacks the means.


Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
Glomlir - I'd like to see the timid halfling chef become world renowned for his recipes and bring further business to the Aethlren estate at Respite, with a touch of his secret ingredients he's developed through alchemical studies of course.

Arvyth - His magic fades to nearly nothing as he ceases to need it, finally living in peace with his family and continuing to work as a blacksmith. He finally passes on his most prized weapons and works to his daughter Willow once he comes to terms with a simple, peaceful life.