Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
I just don't want a kid that will last a long time, so if you are more likely to die then that would be better. So I guess if you became evil enough we might kill you....
As I said before: I like my possible-future parents already.. *grins*
I well, kind of giving my rp characters hell, so yeah, he'll probably die. Either from that stuff dripping from him, him needing to be slain, or making too much noise while you guys are trying to sleep. Either way, I highly doubt this will be a long-term character.


Lord of Altera
A child that can take care of itself is good too. Duckie is an idiot and won't be able to take care of a child.


Lord of Altera
Sure, I'll make the kid old enough to the point where all he needs is some advice in life and only a couple other needs. My main character, (wyvern) who's only beliefs are in natural selection, would be mortified that duckie had a kid. Well, for the reason you just stated above. Glad you're honest about it though. XD


Lord of Altera
Sure, I'll make the kid old enough to the point where all he needs is some advice in life and only a couple other needs. My main character, (wyvern) who's only beliefs are in natural selection, would be mortified that duckie had a kid. Well, for the reason you just stated above. Glad you're honest about it though. XD
I din't actually want one, but I'm just going along with it xD
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