Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Circe Wise


Daedric Prince
N A M E : Circe Arcana Wise
O T H E R - N A M E S : Cici, affectionately by her mother and mockingly by her brother.
T I T L E S : A Lady of House Wise.
S O C I A L - S T A T U S : The girl is a Noble by birth.
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P R O F E S S I O N :
Circe is a student and apprentice of Candlewood, and makes her coin as an Archivist in the Keep of Know. She hopes to one day sell ornate crafts & devices of her own make, or perhaps offer services of sorcery should the day come where she is learned in the Arcane. She seeks to one day inherit her father's Shipwright company, and make blueprints for Airships to include in such a business.
S E X U A L I T Y - & - R E L A T I O N S H I P - S T A T U S :
She is asexual, with no interest in fostering romantic relationships. It's not that she doesn't want to, Circe just simply doesn't think she can feel for others in such a way. Only close, platonic companionship with others are sought.
H O M E L A N D :
Circe was born and raised in the upper districts of the coastal Elven city, Sanardu. Growing up, she did not get out very much and remained rather confined to the place. She spent much of her spare time with her nose in books within the family library, reading about the world outside her own. Much to the dismay of her parents, she’d often sneak out in the night to the tavern within the city, to pepper traveling strangers with questions and hear their stories.
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C U R R E N T - R E S I D E N C E S - & - F R E Q U E N T - L O C A T I O N S :
A significant amount of her time is spent within Candlewood, her first home away from home. She lives within her own tower, perhaps someday to boast as her own 'wizard tower.' She often travels to Storm’s Landing and Eldpoint for extra supplies, as well. Some visits home to Sanardu in the family manor for a bit of quiet and nostalgia on occasion.
C U R R E N T - S T A T U S :
Immersing herself in Altera. She frequently travels between the bounds of Sanardu and Eldpoint, and is planning further personal expeditions North and South, farther than she has ever been before. She hones her craft in Shipbuilding and Ornamentalism, and is contemplating ways to get herself sparked into the Arcane.
R A C E : Silver Elven, coming from a line of Silver Elves that goes back by at least five generations.
G E N D E R : Female.
A G E : She has reached Sixteen Summers, and was born on the 7th of Sunbright.
H E I G H T : Five feet, four inches. Or 1.6 meters.
W E I G H T : Approximately 8 stone, around 115 lbs.
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A P P E A R A N C E :
Circe is the spitting image of her grandmother, with distinct Silver Elven features and a lithe frame. She is often found in riding garments of finer fabrics and leathers, indicating a background of relative affluence. She is a young lady, one could speculate at first glance that she is around sixteen or seventeen years of age. Circe stands at a height of five feet and seven inches, and retains a weight of around eight stone. Her eyes are a deep cerulean blue, silver flecks delicately dappling the irises like stars, glinting under bright light. Her pale olive skin is without blemish, exhibiting an upbringing that was without much hardship. Bright silvery blonde hair reaches down to her shoulder blades, half of it often kept up in a ribbon or ornate hairpiece.
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V O I C E :
Soft and eloquent, with a kindly tone in most situations. Despite this, an interweaving of certainty and some authoritative notes are carried amongst her words as well. She has an extensive vocabulary for a lady her age and takes any opportunity to use it. Her Elven tongue carries a Fuvurian accent. (Brea from The Dark Crystal, AOR)
S C A R S - T A T T O O S - & - M A R K I N G S :
None of note, yet!

G L I M P S E - I N T O - T H E - M I N D - A N D - S O U L :
Circe is incredibly curious and audacious in her age, which is cause for having been quite sheltered and bound to one environment for too long. She is almost too eager for her own good to explore or dive into things, which has yet to bite her in the back. Despite her unconstrained nature, one of her greatest virtues is patience - both for others and for other happenings. She has a great willingness to help others if it is within her capability to do so, even if it is not for her own gain - and if she cannot help another, she is always willing to lend an ear and listen to a person’s troubles. She is extroverted and the only true fear she has acquired in her life thus far is isolation. Despite her noble upbringing, Circe is slowly finding her way within the world and has brought herself down several notches from the numerous ways of life she has been very used to. The girl finds herself among far more folk than just nobles and the wealthy, now - and chooses to immerse herself in the world around her and all of the people within it. She is quite friendly until given reason not to be, though will attempt diplomacy or find ways to see things through the eyes of others before passing judgement. Due to being a tad forgetful, she tends to write in her notebook often - and overbearingly so. Anything that remotely interests her along with small details she believes will be useful later, she writes down. The girl has an immense amount of intelligence for her age, though it is certainly clear that she is lacking in an equivalent amount of wisdom to properly put it to use yet.
E D U C A T I O N - & - B A C K G R O U N D :
House Wise seeks to live up to its name within every member and their progeny - and Circe is no exception. To learn for knowledge, and to experience for wisdom. The center of the Wise manor in Sanardu is the family library, and it is where a great portion of the lady's time was spent growing up - learning from all manner of tutors and directly from father. The 'experience' part was admittedly... limited. After the fall of Arget Isles and a number of world-changing tragedies befalling Altera, Circe's parents had deemed it safer to keep her within the city, close to home at all times. Of course, this couldn't last - and thus upon her sixteenth birthday she set out to find opportunities to fill in the missing pieces. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
F A I T H - & - S P I R I T U A L I T Y :
The majority of her family have worshiped the Divines Jax, and Silas when he still stood. A portion of that faith has stuck with her, and an interest in Korog has also been acquired due to his domains of crafting. Jax’s sentiment of ‘Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained,’ has truly stayed with her as a near constant mantra, and it is also yet another factor that caters to her bold personality. Circe also holds a more secret interest in Know and Lady Magic, but has not quite explored this further.
G O A L S - & - A S P I R A T I O N S :
THE ARCANE | To harness the latent flame in which all mortals have, to bring about the miraculous and wondrous. A tool to be used.
ENCHANTING | She has only heard of the old art, and wishes to somehow find a way to rediscover it and revive its use in Altera.
AIRSHIP | Circe seeks to one day acquire or build her own Airship, for more ease of traveling the world.
VOYAGES | The Lady wishes to bring back the Eyes of Silas, a crew of scholars in search of knowledge beyond the continent.
MASTERY | To be a known master in the crafts of Ornamentalism and Shipbuilding, and one day take over the family business with her skills.
HELP OTHERS | Ultimately, Circe wishes to use her knowledge, wisdom, and assets to help others in their endeavors.
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S T R E N G T H S - & - W E A K N E S S E S :
PERFECTIONIST | Even though she affords constructive mannerisms to others, Circe quickly gets frustrated with herself when certain projects, crafts, etc. aren't going exactly to plan or when mistakes are made, etc.
FOOLHARDY | Maybe just a little bit. The lady has yet to have many of her own harsh experiences, and thus lacks the wisdom to determine certain volumes of danger when they arise.
EXPLOITABLE | Sometimes her kindness becomes a weakness when it is offered to the wrong sorts of people, even so - Circe is eager to give everyone she meets a chance, even if that means she must learn not to later on.
L I K E S - & - D I S L I K E S :
L U R E S - & - F E A R S :




wisesigil.pngF A M I L Y : [x] HOUSE WISE
-- ‡ Grandfather: Alexander Wise [Deceased, died at sea in the Eyes of Silas voyage.] Ddaug
-- ‡ Grandmother: Arcana Wise [Deceased, died in the fall of Arget Isles.]
-- ‡ Father: Asher Wise II [Alive, generally out of the picture with the exception of written letters. He is busy with business. NPC.]
-- ‡ Mother: Irinwe Wise [Deceased, died to an unknown illness.]
-- ‡ Uncles, Aunts: Remi Wise, Peter Wise II, Mirabelle Wise [Unknown Whereabouts or Wellbeing]
-- ‡ Siblings: Orien Wise
In-Character Relationships TBD

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Daedric Prince
Finally finished this profile for now!

I know I said I was mostly going to be playing Lilith for the time being - but as per usual, I lied. :cool:
We'll see how my college schedule goes when I move back, but for now I'm going to enjoy my time on my three mains.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
light mode is cursed
Growing up with HW, I honestly cannot bring myself to use dark mode. Yes, it may hurt my eyes, but it just feels wrong.
I've been looking at light mode for near ten years, I do not want to change :(

Though it does mean I must be mindful to stop using that black colouring..


Daedric Prince
Growing up with HW, I honestly cannot bring myself to use dark mode. Yes, it may hurt my eyes, but it just feels wrong.
I've been looking at light mode for near ten years, I do not want to change :(

Though it does mean I must be mindful to stop using that black colouring..
same here, and I like it because it looks a little bit like parchment paper. It used to look much more like it with the old forum texture/design. I miss it very much.