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[City] Stormhold

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Lord of Altera
is the name just a coincidence or do you know of the old stormhold caste from before?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Awesome! Oh, and I still want your perm on that underground marketplace, cause I gotta run it by the admins too, and possible pay, but this is for the benefit of stormhold's economy and town itself, so maybe I could get funded, but if not, oh well. I just need those perms


Loyal Servant of Altera
And one more thing, I am having a bit of trouble since part of my plot is in the wild.


Lord of Altera
And one more thing, I am having a bit of trouble since part of my plot is in the wild.
Just build it going right, the fact it is in the wilderness is not one you can overcome without me buying a useless plot in the sea. So i recommend you turn the corridor right and have it there


Loyal Servant of Altera
alright then. Oh, and when one of you said i should go to the sorrowlands for quests, you glitched me out and i lost stacks of wood, tools, ad armor, as well as iron. I am not happy. I dont expect anything, but I am still ticked off a little


Lord of Altera
when you say we glitches you out what do you mean? if it said you fell through the map or suffocated in a wall then the admins can reimburse you. The sorrow lands should be the place for people to get resources, thats their design as well as for role-play and pvp

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
People, there is a town rule that is being kinda ignored lately:
2. Basements must not be bigger than the house its beneath

Lets try not to make our basements bigger then the house, at least restrict them to the area beneath our houses, and only a couple levels down.

I live in Royo's old house, so I will fix my basement probably today. Try to do it on yours too ^-^


Lord of Altera
A huge building i am working on, i dont demand that this will end up being built in Stormhold, i just decided to make a Temple, so i tried, its still in progress, but if it cant be a temple then it can be your house draco? xD, but consider letting me building this? please?



Lord of Altera
I had 2 more pictures of it, but they were apparently too large? btw nothing of the building will fly when its done, i will work on that when i finished the upper areas


Loyal Servant of Altera
Just build it going right, the fact it is in the wilderness is not one you can overcome without me buying a useless plot in the sea. So i recommend you turn the corridor right and have it there
What happened was every time i relogged it reversed everything i did, even after I spent about 500r worth of stuff, and I had to get everything all over again. I kept relogging the same spot with the inventory I had 2 days ago


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh, and backstay, I can't even build myself a basement, let alone an entire underground market, because lemonjuicetaco built a farm DIRECTLY under my plot, plus an entire basement or someone did
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