Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Stormhold

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Lord of Altera
So glad I could join up with you guys! Everyone's been super nice so far. When it comes to these games I rarely have money to share, but I gather resources like no other. So if anything is needed please ask me. :)

-Tchel Alvice

(Also, I want to RP more!)
I agree with that, the town should rp some more


I think I might like it here
hey WT-mother-F-er happend out there?!!?!? did the town get raided!?
sorry i had to leave on such short notice.
in fact, it was a good thing the town got attacked, for me.
i lost a sword and 12 melons, but i found a guy who was really low on health and killed him. then i got armour!


I think I might like it here
So plans for town Archers guild i would really like to build it when we have time to help train are men and women and a place where we can sell archery stuff.


Queen of the Wilds
So plans for town Archers guild i would really like to build it when we have time to help train are men and women and a place where we can sell archery stuff.
I like this idea. This should happen. And defending the town today was a blasty blast! Many epic moments, like when the Pirate King showed up!

This is just my opinion but Zotikos should definitely be rewarded for outfitting the town.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I like this idea. This should happen. And defending the town today was a blasty blast! Many epic moments, like when the Pirate King showed up!

This is just my opinion but Zotikos should definitely be rewarded for outfitting the town.
oh and please dont rub it in... I wasnt there...


Lord of Altera
Aye brothers of the North, I have not forgotten about this place.

Lo there do I see my fathers.
Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers.
Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning.
Lo do they call to me.
They bid me to take my place amoung them.
In the halls of Valhalla...
Where the brave may live forever.

So plans for town Archers guild i would really like to build it when we have time to help train are men and women and a place where we can sell archery stuff.
Tis a fine idea indeed, though it may be a better idea to make one Guild (or Militia) with different duties instead of multiple separated Guilds. I've never heard of a Norseman valuing his Bow over his Sword.

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
Creating a fighters guild is not a bad idea, with an HQ, a small training ground under it (for wooden sword fight), shooting range, and a potion shooting range (because there are people that are not familiarized with the arch that a potion creates in mid-air).


I think I might like it here
Tis a fine idea indeed, though it may be a better idea to make one Guild (or Militia) with different duties instead of multiple separated Guilds. I've never heard of a Norseman valuing his Bow over his Sword.
I am no Norseman i am a travelling Merchant who stumbled upon this town and decided to stay. My race is a secret so no one will ever know =O


Lord of Altera
Guys, it looks like you're planning stuff without we know anything about it? "Lets make an archer guild!" draco do you know anything about the archer guild?

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
Guys, it looks like you're planning stuff without we know anything about it? "Lets make an archer guild!" draco do you know anything about the archer guild?
We are just talking about it, trowing ideas into the mix to see what it comes out ^^
Of course, no guild/building/group can be created without Draco's order :)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey draco, the evil mermaid queen came to attack stormhold, and some people (ploot_teh_medic, alail, etc.) i opened the gate to them and then the queen submerged the town. No damage was done but I realize this was wrong and am willing to leave stormhold because of it. I ma packed and ready to go as soon as you say or when it is necessary

EDIT: Just left. Many of you ahve been good to me, but i am tired of some of the verbal abuse I have gotten and now no longer wish to continue on at stormhold. goodbye


Lord of Altera
Verbal abuse?! If there was any report it to me straight away. I liked you a lot and I really don't want to see you go :( if your on tonight I will talk then otherwise pm me

Edit: I will not stand for that, I don't really care about the attack because it was a roleplay evebnt so please message me.

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
The verbal abuse, I didn't see it.
But while mmine was moving, seph(can recall his entire name) killed him inside the city.
The items were not returned, and I think that they despawned after seph drooped them.
As a result, I think seph was temporary banned, for PVP on an forbidden area.

We want you around mmine, people kinda like you in stormhold. But sometimes there are people that don't behave properly inside the city walls, but as you can see, justice was done.

Looking forward too see you around in Port Silver, and remember that we will have a place for you.


I think I might like it here
Temp banned till tommorow for stealing even though im a thief isnt that contrary to roleplay?
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