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[City] Stormhold

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I think I might like it here
thanks. i am going to use wood pillars for corners, cobble for roof and planks for walls. is this in the theme or do i need to revise my plans? and i will take you up on your offer royo_royal. lookin' to start farm.



I think I might like it here
srry i killed water i honestly thought he was trying to kill lemon.
if you kick me from the town i will understand.


Loyal Servant of Altera
New thing for All the ppl in the Stormhold Town! i Royo_Royal (Royo Krake) are makeing an Squad ! me as Sergant
Backsaty as Commander!

we Need 3 more Active Players From the Town for Info. Pm on Forum Or Msg me ingame


Lord of Altera
New thing for All the ppl in the Stormhold Town! i Royo_Royal (Royo Krake) are makeing an Squad ! me as Sergant
Backsaty as Commander!
we Need 3 more Active Players From the Town for Info. Pm on Forum Or Msg me ingame
Royo edit your post.. Backsaty = Backstay - makeing = making
New thing for All the ppl in the Stormhold Town! i Royo_Royal (Royo Krake) are makeing an Squad ! me as Sergant
Backsaty as Commander!

we Need 3 more Active Players From the Town for Info. Pm on Forum Or Msg me ingame
New thing for all the people in Stormhold! I Royo_Royal (Royo Krake) and Backstay (Odin Skjóldmór) are making a squad! me as Sergant and Backstay as Commander. We need 3 more active players from the town. For info PM me on forums or PM me in-game.

BTW im not being rude, trying to insult you, laughing at you, stealing your pants or anything, i just did it because it would look more... eh... Rich? xD i dont know


Lord of Altera
This looks amazing! Would I be possibly allowed to join? Maybe? I'm a great builder!
Of course can you join! the more residents the better, pm me on the server my in-game name is Backstay of course, i will give you a little tour around in the town =)


Lord of Altera
Im really sorry i had to go :-( my parents started yelling at me. And i see that youre looking at other towns? Thats fin. You decide who you wanna join. Im not going to kidnap you or somethin like that... You decide who you wanna join, but if you decide to join us, draco will maybe come on today else you can ask martinko. Or you can wait for tomorrow, me and draco will both be online there.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Alright, I like yours the best so far though. Anyway, why were your parents yelling at you?
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