Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Civilization V


Lord of Altera
Russia in this game isn't as uber-communist as you think, sadly. It is lead by Catherine the Great. And there aren't any cool parts of Russia. Like Russia. And Soviet Russia. And Tetris.

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
Russia in this game isn't as uber-communist as you think, sadly. It is lead by Catherine the Great. And there aren't any cool parts of Russia. Like Russia. And Soviet Russia. And Tetris.
Ah, you can adopt policies to make them uber communist. And rename it to soviet russia. And name your leader Tetris. Because tetris is what lead the soviet union to awesomeness. ;P


Legend of Altera
I would like to post my sad but true experience with Alexander the Great.

I randomed the French and started land grabbing. I grabbed all of it until I met Alexander the Great. He was nice at first, but then... he decided to take all my cities until I was forced to run to the oceans in a desperate attempt to save my civilization. I was hoping that he would forget me when in the face of another threat.
I was WRONG. He killed off Japan and came after me with advanced units. GAME OVER. :(


Lord of Altera
No offense but.. :3 ... I think the game looks ridicoulus.. I think i have Civilization 3. I hated it.. As you cant see the war, you just see some giants hitting a land.. I love Mount & Blade, as you can go in war, and actually fight yourself. Conquer land, castles, raid villages, get married etc etc..


The Mogul of Cromarcky
As I'm in an interesting position where my work affords me a good deal of time to waste, but no real gaming internet connection, I've played the hell out of this game, along with a few others that are both singleplayer and easily pause-able. My favorites for the different win conditions are:

Culture - India is absolutely amazing. Build three cities, ally with +culture city-states, and build only enough units to repel warmongers. Unless you go to insane difficulties, most states do not perceive you as a threat and leave you completely alone, which is exactly what you want. French was interesting, due to the fact you want to build a ton of cities for the culture bonus, but you have to balance it with the minuses from multiple cities and the fact the bonus goes away toward modern age.

Diplomatic victory - Despite Greece's bonus, I felt that Siam's bonus is ultimately is a good deal better. This is because the first time I went for diplomatic victory, Siam was able to pull almost all of my city-states out from under me due to their increased bonuses (and they had better economy). An economic powerhouse like the Arabic nation is also a very strong choice due to the purchasing power over the city-states.

War - Russia oh my gods Russia. Bonus production, bonus strategic resources, all of which come at the right time. Horses and iron bonus give you a huge push to conquer your native continent, then the uranium comes in for the late game win. I had 20something uranium left at the end of the game even after mass-producing giant death robots. Japan is another option, but the more experienced I get in the game the less I really need the bonus they get.

Space - Any nation that gives bonus production, culture, or money really. None of the nations have any amazing science bonuses, so you just have to get the science through other means (production to build more science buildings, culture to grab the science culture tree, or economy for research agreements) I had a very easy time achieving this with the Arabic nation, because their economy boost meant I had the money to continually renew research agreements as well as ally with +culture city-states to get the science culture tree quickly.

End of the timeline victory - This feels like a poor man's War victory to me, as the winner is the nation with the highest points, so warring states usually have the upper hand due to the point value of cities that can be taken over for points.

Now for the deceptively bad nations

Culture - Aztecs. "Bonus Culture for each unit you kill" translates into "You get a little more culture than germany/ottoman/ect." It does not mean you can get enough culture to even begin to rival other culture driven nations.

Diplomatic - all of them in general. I really dislike this win condition. You slave away all your effort into making the city-states happy and get the U.N. built, and then lose due to EVERY nation pulling states from you. The votes get split, and usually this just becomes an "economic" victory rather than actual diplomacy. You can be way ahead in points, tech, power, you name it, but still lose due to bad timing and another nation just happens to pull one more state than you. Bleh.

War - Mongols. Don't get me wrong, the Khans are pretty awesome. they heal your units, which gives more time fighting and less time sitting around waiting to heal back up. The problem comes from the fact the nation is entirely mounted combat based, when units that have a bonus against mounted are plentiful and cheap. Also, mounted units have a hell of a time against cities, which is what the mongols should be good at. The sad fact is that they are still better off doing what everyone else does, which is lots of cheap spearmen and catapults for sieges.

Space - not any real good or bad ones for space... science is more building/wonder/culture oriented than nation oriented I feel.

That's my list. Hope it's not too much to have to digest at one time. Oh, tiny disclaimer - I play normal difficulty normal settings (i believe that is prince difficulty, with 6 or 8 players and 14 or so city-states, whatever the game says is the "normal" or "default" for the game), and so some of my opinions may not be correct for higher-level difficulties.