Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Loyal Servant of Altera
... you are sooo productive... Where do you find the time to write so much?
And again, I enjoyed reading it.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I'm in this :D
Wish you were in more of my diary entries....

be my buttler :D
Ha, toilet humour :p and I thought you would have found one by now! :O
... you are sooo productive... Where do you find the time to write so much?
And again, I enjoyed reading it.
Weeeeell, to make a long story short, writing that this morning made me late :D I don't know, I just find inspiration all around me.. And thanks :3


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*mumbles something that sounds suspisciously like "moar nao" and scuttles back under her rock*

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Can't wait to see Envy now XD
Wait, do you mean 'Imagine what Envy is looking like after reading that' or 'Can't wait for ghost to get to Envy in his story'?


I have something to say as well, but that would just be too spoiler-ific, I can tell you in a private convo though :)