Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Aaaaah, well it's his backstory, and it would only be a diary entry if it happened recently....
Aaalthough, I could do a special post of the diary of a page that was a bit further back than when I started writing.. :3

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Alright, you got me, no backstory chapter today, I had to RP, and if I hadn't I wouldn't have got to enjoy the amazing rp with bette, scar, jeroxia, mara watching, and of course cherry! So.. Expect 2 chapters or a wall tomorrow :p


We demons of our solemn hour
A-am I?! O-oh yeah, I totally knew that :p
1. Yer nice
2. Yer cool
3. Ye draw awesome
4. Ye write awesome
5 ye rp awesome
6. I consider you a buddy
7. Ye draw awesome stuff without wanting anything in return
8. You have a awesome character.
9. I love the jacket!
10. I wuv you?
There 10 reasons to like you

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Jeroxia said:
1. Yer nice
2. Yer cool
3. Ye draw awesome
4. Ye write awesome
5 ye rp awesome
6. I consider you a buddy
7. Ye draw awesome stuff without wanting anything in return
8. You have a awesome character.
9. I love the jacket!
10. I wuv you?
There 10 reasons to like you
1. Aw
2. Oh stop it you
3. I do?
4. Shtaaaap
5. Shtaaaaaaaap!
6. Thanks buddy :)
7. What's a ghost going to do with rads?
8. No, you have an awesome character!
9. Thanks, I got it on sale!
10. :heart:..?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
*stamps the thread with large red lettering, reading "MOAR NAO"*
2 parts of the backstory just isn't enough huh? Sorry, it's going to have to be tonight, I need to put more of my time into my artwork :p
Edit: Doesn't Polo's avatar suddenly look.. different? Now who could have done that..

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I love the original song, in my opinion it fits Cloud better than the 'burning fighting spirit' but the best version I have heard of it was from the introduction to FMA: Brotherhood, so I'll just link that version :3
