Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Createing your character profile: a checklist


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hi not sure if this is the right place but here goes:

This is meant to be a checklist to make createing/improveing your character profile easier:

1. Think of a character, don't get too detailed and make sure its not overpowered

2. Read the server lore, and make sure your idea fits, if you arn't sure then post here and I'll try and help.

3.Follow this link to get the basic template (theres also some helpfull advice on createing your character profile)

4. Fill in all the sections, and make sure that your characters not overpowered (please ask if not sure) and weakness are fundamental, for instance a all powerful darkwizard would be overpowered, but and all powerful dark wizard who's scared of light, cows, sheep and shadows wouldn't be.

5.Think up and post a story along with the profile explaining it and make sure it makes sence ie explain how you came to altera, your heratige ectra (again if your not sure please ask) but remembre you don't need to post it all in one go, split it into managble chunks so its easier to read, write and is more fun for you to do.

Please note that I'm not exactly the best at RP my self so theres only a certain amount I can help you with, unlike these people:

Roleplay masters list:
(could roleplay masters please post cause I don't know who all of you are)

Helpful links:

Alailanible's Altera survivel guide

The wiki

Anything I've missed? questions? please feel free to post.


Lord of Altera
Well, I'm not saying I'm a master and I'm definitely not trying to brag, but I am a pretty good rp'er.

Oh, and you don't have to make your character profile at once. It helps to work on it over time. So far as I've experienced, you get to know your own character better when you RP with it for a while. Just try to improvise and be creative, that's how your character becomes someone right before your eyes. Over time you'll find out more about it and you can easily finish your character profile.


King ForumStalker
A dark wizard who's scared of shadows and light? Is he always in semi darkness or something?

Anyway, a good start, but we could probably beef up each point a little more, as into saying why the player should follow these tips

eg: The reason we tell you not to be overpowered is because it ruins other players' roleplay experience and lets face it, it's a lot more fun to be underpowered than overpowered!


Loyal Servant of Altera
thats why I put the bit at the bottom. Stuff that I've missed and will add


The original mute
If you want I could do an example of an op character that's fits within server lore.