Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Darko's Story


Lord of Altera
Attention all those who still follow Darko's story! I will be releasing the biggest hunk of text ever to be seen on this thread!

It's just gonna take awhile.... But it's coming...


Lord of Altera
Decided to write a little Bio and Back story for Darko's Dagger

Name: Shadow Slicer
Item: Dagger
Material: Black Steel, with obsidian grip.
Owner: Darko
Enchantments: Fire Aspect II, Smite IV, Knockback II

Taken from his master Azral, this Dagger is the work of over 20 years of refining, Darko has altered it so much, it barely resembles the original blade.... It has been used to cut the throats of countless Inquisitors, Mages, and so called "warriors". Truly a weapon of fear


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
So... is that dagger identical to the other one? Or are they two different designs completely?


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Decided to write a little Bio and Back story for Darko's Dagger

Name: Shadow Slicer
Item: Dagger
Material: Black Steel, with obsidian grip.
Owner: Darko
Enchantments: Fire Aspect II, Smite IV, Knockback II

Taken from his master Azral, this Dagger is the work of over 20 years of refining, Darko has altered it so much, it barely resembles the original blade.... It has been used to cut the throats of countless Inquisitors, Mages, and so called "warriors". Truly a weapon of fear
you should have a picture drawn.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Now where have I seen that dagger before >.> <.< xP


Lord of Altera
Darko muttered a long stream of curses as the entire room stood up, drawing weapons

All 23 people in the room pointed their weapons at Darko as he tightened his grip around Sera’s neck.
“Let her go!” yelled one of the older gang member, he looked about 16
“Yeah... I’d rather not....” said Darko, trying to keep an even tone, although he knew he could be killed at any moment.
“Listen... We don’t want no trouble, just let Sera go, and we’ll let you leave” said another Rafter, as he slowly stepped closer to Darko. Darko matched his pace, edging back towards the door. He saw a window on the left side of the room, it was slightly ajar, and a sea breeze could be felt coming through. Darko grinded his teeth together as he thought.
“What’s it gonna be freak? Let her go and live, or stay stubborn and die.” said the older member again. Darko had chosen what he would do.
“I choose number three....” muttered Darko as he moved towards the window as quickly as he could. The rafters watched intently, one of the younger rafters ran at Darko, he resembled Sera in more ways than one, may have been a sibling or a cousin. As he tried to pull Sera from Darko’s grip, Darko stuck his knife out, the child ran straight into it. As soon as the knife punctured his throat, Sera let out a hoarse scream
“Benny! Ben!”
“Oh shut up...” muttered Darko as he got as close as he could to the window, the death of “Ben” set off all the other Rafters, as they sprinted at Darko yelling and spitting. Darko glanced around, and maneuvered his way out the window, letting go of Sera as soon as he was sure she would fall into the water. He quickly followed her out, closing his eyes and crossing his arms across his chest. How far did he fall? 20 feet? 30 feet? Darko couldn’t tell, the next thing he saw was a flurry of bubbles as the salt water stung his eyes, he quickly found which way was up, and swam to the surface. He wasn’t a graceful swimmer, but it was good enough. As soon as he broke the surface, he heard Sera screaming.
“You asshole! You fu---blruggsguadafhaf--- I can’t swim you demon kisser!!”
Darko treaded water as Sera screamed, he watched her fall beneath the surface and resurface many times, her face getting more red, and her screams getting more panicked. Darko considered leaving her to drown, but he decided she would be a useful resource. He swam over to her, and grabbed both her wrists, she head-butted Darko in the nose, and he began to bleed.
“What kind of Rafter can’t swim?!” Darko yelled as he struggled to keep Sera above the water.
“Why do you care!?” Sera exclaimed as she tried to get out of Darko’s grasp.
“I’m helping you! If you keep squirming I’ll let you drown!”
Darko swam around behind her, and grabbed her in a bear hug, pinning her arms to her sides.
“I told you to calm down!” yelled Darko as she finally stopped moving. Now he was just worried if he could carry her. She was light, and wasn’t carrying much, so Darko’s legs barely kept her above the water as he kicked towards shore. His head went under a few times from the weight, which allowed Darko some quiet from Sera’s screaming. When he finally got to shore he was panting from exhaustion. Sera’s screaming had subsided, and he walked over to her, to check if she was conscious, or even alive. Her eyes were closed, and most of her face was covered by wet hair. He approached carefully, not letting his guard down.
“Sera.... You alive?” Darko asked warily. She didn’t respond, he placed his foot on her chest, and felt the rhythm of her breathing. Just to make sure she wasn’t faking it, he swept his foot up into her jaw. Her teeth clashed together, and he smiled to himself. That’s right... You just broke out of Rafter prison...
Darko picked her up over his shoulder, and turned around. There was a young boy, only about five, crouched in some trash on the shore. He was looking up watching Darko.
“Hey kid...” Darko muttered. “Why don’t you just run along ok? You don’t want to get caught up in this gang business..”


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
When do you want the entry I wrote after meeting you for the first time in years, having thought you where dead?


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Excerpt from The Journal of Josef Mandovi
Date Unrecorded

As of Darko’s arrival at the Cove after his supposed death, I have decided to keep a journal of my life. Perhaps one day this may be useful to someone. It helps me keep things in the past, If I don’t have to think about them.
Today Darko came back to the cove, almost gave me a bloody heart attack when I saw him... Dear god, what a terrible sight, the man looked half dead. He made his usual smartass comments, just like when I used to know him. He demanded new body parts which confused me. Later I realized that he was half rotted. The man is practically undead. I took Darko down to the surgery clinic and gave him more blood, adrenaline, and some replacement flesh and body parts, trying to forget who it was on the medical table making jokes at me. At one of the comments, I retorted with “Darko, are you hiding from something? Or are you just weak?” He looked at me weird and said in a dangerous way “Don’t take that tone with me good doctor” I said back to him, pushing him on purpose, angry memories driving me, “Darko, we both know what you did. We both know you're weak at heart.” He got off the table and at that had he started over the edge I had seen him cross before. He told me in a dark voice, “I, am not weak” with that he grabbed me by the arm and pushed me up to the wall, his hands burned with fire, and memories of his own tortured soul poured into my own mind. I screamed in agony. Then he pushed both hands up to my neck to choke me. Pressing me against the wall, my feet left the ground. He then said again. “I am not weak, doctor” He held me for a moment before letting me go, I dropped to the floor. I gasped for air, and then, as he turned to leave, I said, “Darko, we have both been through horrors, what makes you weak is your inability to deal with reality in a responsible way, when others listen, you lash out in hate. When others wait, you spring forward to crush them.” Darko chuckled darkly, then unexpectedly lunged out with a blade at my eye. I dogged, and then broke his nose with a defensive punch. He didn't care, I got out a razor sharp scalpel to try to defend my self. But Darko was too fast, he lunged at me again, but I failed to move far enough. His blade stabbed me square in the chest, and I fell on my back, Darko on top of me. I had dropped the scalpel and now darko was kneeling on my chest. I felt ribs break, as he spoke to me in a hushed voice. “lets try something I learned when was fourteen” I had no idea what in the hell he was talking about, I was just trying to stay conscious, and not pass out from the pain. Darko dragged me to the table and put on restraints. I fought feebly, but to no good did it do. Darko put a cloth around my entire head. Then he poured ice cold water, drowning me. My lungs so dry, I was struggling to get air. This seemed to go on forever, but it must have only lasted twenty or so seconds. He then undid the straps and pulled me off the table. He had his razor of a blade up to me neck, and he said, “Still think I’m weak?” I replied, In a hoarse voice, “We will see just how weak you are Darko, would you kill a man at one word? Just how weak and afraid are you Darko? I think you are weak, show me if you are strong or not.” His eyes flashed angrily, and I became afraid. But Sally must have heard my tortured screams, she came in a huff, demanding to know what was going on. Darko by now had thrown me onto the floor, where I was bleeding, almost unconscious. As far as I know, Darko acknowledges the commands of only two people: Sally, and Silent. Darko got kind of awkward at the question, saying only, “He called me weak, Cap'n” I mustered all my strength and managed to stand while Sally lectured us both about respecting boundaries and not laying a hand on a crew member outside of a bar fight. She then shooed Darko off, and asked If I was alright. I lied of course, what could she do but worry? I guess this is just like old times, but this time, I don’t have a physical edge to him...