Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Darko's Story


Lord of Altera
Thought I should add this...

Not everyone, Only those that stick out.
+Loved~ Luna Lupi Cor[Deceased], Ardy (his son)
+Trusted~ Cap'n Sally, Wyvern
+Liked~Oglub, Oguk, Kath, Jeffrey, Kharn, All of his Crew
+Neutral~ Jeroxia, Thorne, Silent,
+Unsure of~ Icecloak, Doctor Mandovi, The Queen
+Afraid of~ Queen Grief, Harateth, Albareth
+Disliked~ Eminu, Albareth, Gelyk, Sarah, Emrys
+Hated~ Basil, Nwalme

If I missed anyone important, tell meh.


Lord of Altera
Thought I should add this...

Not everyone, Only those that stick out.
+Loved~ Luna Lupi Cor
+Trusted~ Ardy (his son), Cap'n Sally
+Liked~ Oglub, Oguk, Kath, Jefferey, Kharn,
+Neutral~ Jeroxia, Thorne, Silent,
+Unsure of~ Icecloak, Doctor Mandovi, Wyvern
+Afraid of~ Queen Grief, Harateth, Albareth
+Disliked~ Eminu, Albareth, Gelyk, Sarah, Emrys
+Hated~ Basil...

If I missed anyone important, tell meh.


Lord of Altera

The kid wasn’t an idiot, he ran away, ducking into a bush. Darko watched him go, hoping he wasn’t a spy for a rival gang.
Hoisting Sera up onto his shoulder, Darko prepared to make the long walk back to the warehouse. Mostly the people on the streets ignored the boy carrying the girl. Disgusting..... thought Darko, a city full of so many people, and not a single one cares... He ducked into a side alley, and took a shortcut to the warehouse.
He arrived to Jack, standing in a circle of people, “Alright people, we need to find him, Darko could be anywhere and we can’t afford to-” He was interrupted by Darko tapping his shoulder, holding Sera. “Darko! You’re alive! Thank the gods... Who’s the wench?”
“Sera, she’s a rafter, tortured me, now my prisoner....” Darko said it without much interest, wishing to just get inside. “Just take her down to The Binge” Darko said to Jack quietly. The Binge was the small damp cell that the Blood Blades kept their prisoners. Jack nodded to him, and ordered two Blades to carry her downstairs.
“Sir, what happened? I mean... Rafters? Really?” Jack asked quizzically
“Yes Jack.... Really... They planned on selling me back to the Iris... She was supposed to torture me...” Darko answered tiredly, he really just wanted to rest.
“Did they?” Asked Jack. Darko gave him a dark chuckle.
“Heh.. Yeah... A little” Darko rubbed his jaw where he had been hit with the board “Now if you excuse me I have to get some rest” Darko made it clear the conversation wouldn’t continue.
“Alright sir, go get some sleep, I look after things”

The next morning, Darko was suddenly woken up by shouting downstairs. He cursed under his breath. Gods be damned.... They better have something good to yell about...
Darko got dressed as fast as he could, and grabbed his weapons. The shouting was now accompanied by a loud pounding, shaking the whole warehouse. Darko jogged down the stairs to see all the kids dashing about frantically, all of them were holding weapons. Jack spotted Darko and ran over to him.
“This isn’t good sir... The city watch is here... They’ve got a ram...” The pounding sound was coming from the heavy metal gate they had installed. A guard was shouting from outside. “This is Drak-Norac! Commander of the city watch! You’re all under arrest for gang violence, suspected arson, suspected murder, suspected vandalism, suspected larceny, and are all suspected conspirators! Do not respond with violence! You will be given fair trial! Open the gates!”
All the kids looked to Darko fearfully. Darko scanned the crowd.
“Alright listen up! These guards are armored! They’ve got good weapons, and training! We don’t! What we do have is numbers,” His speech was interrupted by a pound on the gate, cracking it slightly, and snapping one of the chains holding it. “Shit, shit, shit... Alright... Ummm...” Darko looked around, there wasn’t much time left. “Alright! You four! Go down to The Binge, get the prisoners out of there! We can use them as hostages!”
Darko was worried now... “Gods be damned... We need to move people! Grab sturdier weapons!” Darko barked the commands to his troops, and they grabbed bigger weapons, long pieces of metal, a few swords. They hid behind crates and other pieces of cover, and waited in silence for an entire minute, the only sound coming from the rhythmic pounding on the door. The prisoners were brought up from The Binge. Sera, and two other Jailbird kids. The Blades looked at Darko, waiting for an order. Darko spoke in a hushed whisper, “Bring the girl up top, I’ll be up shortly, you tell the city watch we have children we’re not afraid to kill”, Darko pointed where the two Blades holding the hostages should stand, and went upstairs, following the guard carrying Sera.
Sera was half conscious, and was covered in cuts and bruises from the guards from The Binge. Her clothes were also torn around her chest and waist, exposing her. Darko did not agree with the rape that the guards did, but there was no way for him to control it without a mutiny on his hands. He decided to ignore it. He told the guard to put her in his office, and he did so with a nod, heading back downstairs. When the kid got halfway down, there was a loud crack from below, followed by the clang of the Blades gate crashing down.

Darko locked the door to his office, and threw Sera a jacket. “Cover yourself, we don’t have a lot of time before they get up here... and I don’t want to spend my time looking at...” Darko finished his sentence by gesturing at Sera’s chest. She spat a mouthful of blood out on to his floor, and wrapped the jacket around her.
“So... Why ‘Aven’t you killed me?” She asked, making it seem as if she was uninterested. She didn’t do a good job of it, The Binge can really shake someone up.

“You could be useful to keep me alive, hopefully the guards don’t reach up here and we can make an agreement before then.” Darko said matter-of-factly. Sera responded with another bloody spit on his floor.