Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Saving has literally fallen off a cliff. I lot alot of money to Bandits and some more trying to defeat them in the wilds. It's safe to say Entmoot will be a LONG while unless my special build perms app is accepted. :(

Ill do what I can to save but now the price of a town is 150k, don't expect Entmoot in the forseeable future.


Lord of Altera
I'll give you some money to help you with Entmoot. Dryads and ents just have to be generous to each other.


Lord of Altera
Its ok for now. When the new map comes out there will be a more efficiant way to start a town that I can hopefully make use of.


The Lunarch
Ahh! I love the way you've shaped the tree almost like a palace tower or something, that's very neat! Great job!


Lord of Altera
Well. The Entmoot project is no more, with the upcoming race shortlist I have been told that Ents will not be playable in Altera. Thread Closed.