Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Faction Territory Borders


Lord of Altera
It's my house. I live there.

I am being eminently polite. Do not attempt to claim what is mine, as yours.
Oh let him claim what he likes :) words are only words and he actually tries to assert power over it, bite back. Tension....tension is good.


Lord of Altera
That reminds me, similar request of Naelwyn's- You put your blue squiggles over my home, and the homes of some of my mountain friends. That mountain range is watched over, so you can claim it to be yours as much as you like, but step foot in it and try to change things- you'll meet opposition.
honestly, yeah we'll claim the mountains, but no, don't expect us to actually climb em, we have no bisniss whatsoever up there for now, buddy : D


Lord of Altera
Whoa whoa, hold it. We're not called "Pirates" We are a respectable noble house, and we will be treated as such!

EDIT: Also, if yall are grubbing up huge amounts of land as you are, I'd like the islands surrounding the Cove. Doubt anyone will settle there anyway, due to it's close proximity to Pirate- I mean Tideborne HQ.