Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood


I think I might like it here
Wow. I've been so busy with school I just got on to the town. So the town is a Ghost Town now? Lovely...

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Yeah, Darkwood is no more, the Exodus has struck a blow to our town.... or was that me and VanGarrett's picks and axes..... I forget now..... :p


The White Mage
Uhm, what do (ex-)residents do now? My chests are gone, with all my possesions, and the town's taxes have depleted all my money (12 r left..) while I was inactive (exams). Any contingency plans for a new town or a way to help residents?

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Like I told you when you last came on, when we where still destroying Darkwood, its best to try any find another town. Me and VanGarrett have decided not to make a new town in the next world. So I highly suggest that you try and find another town, either in the new world or one that is going to move over.

I apologise to all our citizens that where inactive during this time but we did give ample warnings for over a month before the destruction. Also all items that were taken from chests during that time where considered fair since your period away from the game made it look like you were not coming back again.

Once again I will apologise to all our previous citizens but the fact still remains that the once beautiful town, Darkwood, is no more. The Exodus has struck its blow even as far as the great walls of our town, the corruption's spread was a slow and painful one and I can declare that Darkwood is officially closed.