Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Feudal Holdfast] Darkwood

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Darkwood Application Form

Name (RP):


Link to RP Profile (By this I mean your character description and background profile. Not your forum profile):


Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while?):


Lord of Altera
Name (RP): Roger Slay

Race: Human

Link to RP Profile :

Profession: Blacksmith

Reason for joining : Tired and weary from the grueling battles of the sorrowlands, Roger Slay searched the land of Altera for a place to rest his mind and body. He found the place of Darkwood and deemed it to his tastes and now trains his abilities as a smith in the town's forge. I've been on the server for ages, I doubt there are more than 5 people from my time left playing.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
i think garrett came around 1.8, i dont remember him in 1.7.
Un-like me I've been around ages now. I am one of the older members too, I was around 1.7 and joined in July 6th 2011. Excluding the moderators/ admin we must be some of the most long timer players around :p

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Just moving the application to here so other citizens can get to know you a bit too :p

Darkwood Application Form

Name (RP):Pulserage

Race: werewolf/wolf

Link to RP Profile (By this I mean your character description and background profile. Not your forum profile): I was born from a human and put in a cave with a pack of wolves were I was raised. When I grew up my mother came to the cave and cursed me to look like a wolf forever and that I wasn’t allowed to see my wolf brothers again. So I now walk alone through the land until I stumbled upon the town of Darkwood and saw wolves. As soon as I walked into the town my spirits rose. I hope I can be a hunter for the town and be at one with the forest.

Profession: Hunter

Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while?): i arrived at the Darkwood by wandering on to your ship one day and looking through the forum. I am a fairly new player but iv been waiting to join the Darkwood for an age.


I think I might like it here
Name (RP): George Gnome

Race: Gnome

Link to RP Profile (By this I mean your character description and background profile. Not your forum profile):

Profession: Farmer

Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while? I like the buildings and the people here, I was looking on the forums and noticed this town took a look at the pictures, said to my self "That's the town for me". I then found the boat and took a look around. I have been here since October/November 2011.


I think I might like it here
Right ok, I know i left Darkwood, but I would like to rejoin. That sign was me having one of those silly moments in life. Ill be on about 3am GMT Tomorrow. I would love to come back! And this time I wont leave!


The White Mage
wait, wait, wait... excuse me for being confused here, but is Van still in charge of Darkwood or is Pheonix?!?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Darkwood Application Form

Name (RP): Jack Niccum

Race: Human

Link to RP Profile (By this I mean your character description and background profile. Not your forum profile): One moment

Profession: Farmer

Reason for joining (ie How did you arrive at Darkwood? What makes you want to stay and make your way in the world here? Are you a new player, or have you been playing the server for a while?):
Aye, after exploring each of the towns for many months by boat, Jack Niccum finally decided to settle in Darkwood, where he prophasises that he can become a successfull farmer. I am a new player =) In addition, I don't like towns that have already been built on extensivly, because I LOVE building things, so, I decided to join Darkwood.