Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Fort] - Red Haven


Grand Lizard
Well we would need to extend the town border to cover it, and depending on the size of the plot you would have to pay for that.


Loyal Servant of Altera
You would need to pay for the plot, however we will attempt to claim it ourselves. You née not pay money for the expansion of town border


I know, I'm working up cash to buy the plot. I'm looking at 15x20(5250R(I could buy now)) or 20x25(8750R(I need another 850R.)). Also I would need to be able to fly for this.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm sure it would still be possible without fly. A good way is just to make dirt scaffolding along the way when you need it. Or you could ask Kaies when he is on to help you out


its not the scaffolding its the constant falling in which the flying would be the greatest help. Temperary flying is all that i ask.

Update I: I am building a model of it and it is a 25x21(ouch... 9187.50 R)

Update II: It is completed here are some pics of it



Loyal Servant of Altera
I like it, looks pretty nice, although have you the red haven architectural guide in the architectural guild? You may want to include some of those features and stuff into your design, such as overhanging rooves and maybe an overhanging 2nd floor. Read it for more design tips. I'd like you to submit a revised version using these techniques. The reason is, since it will be a key part of the city, it needs to reflect on the city style and theme. I'm also sure that we the staff would be quite willing to help you financially.


Grand Lizard
You can only fly if your rank allows it. Temporary flying is not something the admin team gives out, if you want to fly donate to the server to be allowed.


its alright. i was out and i just got back on and i have the money to buy the plot. i just need to wait until the server updates to 1.2... Thank you Wood and Stone Bricks at my stall (they seem cheep but they are the same price(reverse Phycology))


the price for a full stack of 64 is 100R but i have a stack of 16 for 15R. Its the same thing really but it seems cheaper.