Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Lord of Altera
(Just want to say you sort of ran straight into my sword which was blocking the door... but I will let that pass :) ). *Marcus puzzled and coffing with the entrence filling with smoke, Marcus pulls up the top of his collar to cover his mouth. All he can see through the thickening smoke is two shadows leaping through the door.*
"Blood it is then..."
*Marcus pulls out his oak bow and an arrow from his quiver and walks out the door...


*Waits a while before answering the inquiring stranger*

I am here looking for some work, but no offense, you don't look like you could afford my bladeprice.

*looks around for the someone with his food*

Where the bloody 'ell is my food!

*Looks at the commotion at the door*

Bloody theif chasers...

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
(Am I late to the party as per usual?)
*An above normal height noble looking human stumbles into the inn breathing heavily *
Did.... someone else... hear... a scream?... I heard it all... the way... from my humble abode... and I had... to run... here.. is everyone feeling good?


I think I might like it here
((i was think the smoke would make you react to more of a defensive way and youd move your sword to protect yourself sorry :/))
**While pulling his friend around he throws him be hind a barrel then turns with bow ready facing the bounty hunter yet this time the bow glows with a magic different from before**
Stop there you blood seeking hunter there is no need for you to step any farther.. I am Adilah Half-elven former leader of the thieves guild ... your fight is with me now...
**shouting as he pulls his bow string closer to his face..


Lord of Altera
"Feckin' thieves guild scum in mah bloodeh inn!"
*The innkeeper nods to everyone before stepping into the kitchen.*
"Free drinks for anyone who brings me the ol' thieves dead corpses to the kitchen!"
*The innkeeper chuckles as he claps twice, two dark elven boys running to him and The innkeeper muttering words before going over to cook with the boys.*

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
(wait wait wait Cook with the boys dear lord does that mean what I think it means?)
*Slowly creeps along the wall to away the man with the bow then reaches the bar*
*Mumbles* By bettey's beard why is that man pointing his bow at that man


Lord of Altera
*shakes his head while recovering from hitting his head on the cobble*
Drat! I was about to smash a dagger in his face! *grumbles as he gets up to a crouching position*


Lord of Altera
"Oi ya feckin' slackers, git me the guys causin' trouble in mah inn and I'll owe ya all a steak and a nice bloodeh glass of Skragg's torment!"
*The innkeeper sighs as he leans against the counter, listening to the small conversations that run around the table, he then glances at the man holding the bow and sighs, waiting for them to be captured by someone drunken idiot.*


*Walks over to the to thieves and bounty hunter*

Gentlmen, I don't want to kill all three of you, but you are distracting the innkeeper from getting me my vittles. I would suggest walking a couple of blocks down whichever direction you please, but get your arses outta here, I am hungry!


Lord of Altera
*Taps's shoulder, the one last spoke*
Yes, but you still haven't answered my question. Who are you looking for.
*Scratches at his pointed ear*


Lord of Altera
*Marcus's plan worked. He managed to lure the thief outside, but also another outspoken thief who is most likely wanted. With Marcus standing in the street outside of the inn. Marcus raises his left arm for three seconds and points his hand in a quick motion to sign a command. From the two alleys next to the the inn, ten men appear equiped with longswords, shortswords and shields. Marcus then shouts a command and walks towards the thiefs while point his sword towards their faces.* "You are Surrounded thieves. Drop your weapons, and return to your cells to pay for your crimes! If you do not. You will pay your crimes with your blood! *As Marcus slowly approches the thieves, his men circle around them...
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