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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Lord of Altera
"Tis' feckin' gittin' quite packed..."
*The innkeeper sighs as he steps into the kitchen, whistling as he grabs a knife off the table and twirls it in his hand before going downstairs, He cackles madly as you hear the faintest sounds of screaming.*


The Anime loving Brony
*Looks around, starting to get irritated*
"Am I ever gonna get me bloody drink?"
*Sees Seth blowing rings of water out of a pipe, and rubs his eyes*
[Mutters]"Maybe I shouldn't have had that Skooma earlier..... "


Lord of Altera
*Stretches and looks at the irritated Shadow*
Yer shoulda bought some of mine...Yer cannae beat Jenkins Wares
*He rocks back on his bar stool, silently*


The Arbiter of the Gods
*Comes through the doors smiling*
I am looking for some proper drink in this shed! Pass some of your best down the line! *Goes and sits close to the doors*


I think I might like it here
***as he sees obsidian walk up he kick the chair open for him to sit down**
How have you been friend i haven't seen you since the disbandment of the thieves guild
*** he says with a crooked smile**


Lord of Altera
*Sits and rests his legs up on the tables*
I've been good... though, i could have done with a little more help on big operations like we did in the guild... \


I think I might like it here
*give a quick laugh*
ha oh the good times the fun we had...
* then leans closey to his friend wispering in his ear**
i think you might have been careless my dear friend when i was walking in a saw your name on several bountys quite a hefty price you have on your head might need to be carefull who you talk to..
* gives a quick shrug in the direction of kaza*
it seems you have a "friend" .. he been looking at you since he saw you...


Loyal Servant of Altera
*Runs in through the doors in a panic, then begins to yell*
There is a lich outside! He is making a mess of the town! Any Warriors please! Come help me protect the village!
*Runs back out in a hurry*


*Walks into the bar, looking around for any mages, decides that there musn't be, and takes a seat at the bar, ignoring the clearly insane fellow yelling about liches*

Bartender! I would like some milk and a steak!

*Looks around at all the people drinking ale at this time of day, and says to no one in particular*

Are all of you people alchoholics or something? Good lord, the sun is still high in the sky!

(I don't know if it was just assumed it was nightime, but I'll change my post if it is.)


*Arrives proudly, coming from a tree, and then says with his deep and heroic voice*
-"Fear no more, brave humans ! The Atmenian King arrives with his...
*Stops to speak, thinks during five seconds, then finally finishes the sentence*
-"Sword... where's my sword Célestine ? I'VE FORGOTTEN HER IN MY CASTLE ! And my magic powers don't seem to work in your universe..."

*Walks till he notices the lich*
-"You call this, a LICH ? *laughs* This is just a travelling skeleton with a wooden magic wand and..."
*Recieves his daily dose of black magic in the face*
-"I spo... ke... too much. Didn't I... ?"
*Falls back on the grass*


Magus of Nothing
*gets up slowly and stumbles out the door, tripping over a strange man who was lying outside*
Sir are you alr-
*looks up to see the Lich towering over him and faints once more*


*Thinks about the survival skills he has taught to the rookies*
-"Play dead, Gorn... good doggy ! You will have a pint of beer as soon as you reach the Inn..."
*Starts to crawl slowly in the direction of the Inn*


Lord of Altera
Marcus gets himself up from his chair and walks past the table with the thief. He doesn't stare at him to make it look so open. Marcus goes to the inner wall of the inn and leans back, near the door. Marcus grips the handle of his sword with one hand, but let's it stay sheathed. He takes one good look at the thief and waits patiently...


*Finally arrives near the door, always crawling on the ground*
-"Ha-ah ! There, you will be safe, my dear Go-"
*Someone opens the Inn's door, crushing his royal gloved hand. Everyone heard a cry that sounded like a shouting mandragora mixed with the horrible howling of a drunken wolf, the calling of a banshee and the infamous cry of a takvern on heat. In a nutshell, it is something like :*
*Uhh... no. Something more like this :*


Lord of Altera
Marcus's ear drums nearly bursted after hearing the man shout in aganising pain. He looked at the pain filled man and asked* "Who are you Sir?"


-"Whew... I am the Atmenian King, Gorn Tracehunter, the Envoy of Éèlensaor. Ouch... my hand..."
*Stands up while holding his right hand. Then continues his phrase*
-"Fortunately, I write and fight with my left hand. Could you please tell me what is your name, and where is the Innkeeper ?"


Lord of Altera
*The innkeeper sighs as he walks out of the cellar, carrying what appears to be a large torn off piece of meat. His smile darkens as he licks his lips, walking towards the fire and placing the chunk of meat on there. The innkeeper then walks out into the counter, The inn bustling with life as he chuckles.*
"The feckin' 'ell is goin' on in 'ere!"
*The innkeeper scratches his head as he looks around, seeing all sorts of scenes unfold.*


Lord of Altera
Marcus is shocked by the words of King.*Marcus think's to himself"Their are no kings in Altera.."
"My name is Marcus Dondarrion... You say you are... a.. king? Also the innkeeper went to the back of the inn, maybe in the cellar or kitchen.


Lord of Altera
*Seth spits out a piece of Meat*
King? There be no King in Altera., there only be the people...Yer need te get yer head screwed on or yer no' going te last long in Altera...
*Seth takes out another Bottle of Ale and swigs deeply, then takeing out some more squid and eating heartily*
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