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Forum Role-play:The Inn

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Lord of Altera
(Ok, I forgot we were outside so I changed my initial post to suit the situation)
Ay! Get down I tell yah!
*Tosses bottle at viggy*


Magus of Nothing
Looks up at shadow with an almost innocent face.
Giggles madly then starts to shake once more.


Lord of Altera
*Its late at night and Marcus Donndarion walks towards his favourite drinking hole. He stop's and notice's the blood on the floor and see odd folk around the doors of the inn. Marcus Raises his voice for attention.*
"What's in the bloodly hell's happen'd here?"


Lord of Altera
Arcone Me lad!
*Seth stands up from his corner and walks over to Arcone, a smell of raw sewage eminating from him*
Sae, de yer know 'ow this started?


Lord of Altera
*Marcus looks around for a space to sit down, all he see is the fragmented shards of bottles, and the smell of fresh beaten blood, He notices a dry spot on the corner wall of the inn, untouched by the brutality.*
"I guess this will do... When did this place turn into a drunken hell hole?"


Lord of Altera
Ach, I couldnae remember... Ae seemed te 'ave been in a Sewer...And no' by me own choosing
*Seth plonks himself down next to Arcone, when a small wild albino rat scuttles up Seth's arm and sits silently on his shoulder*
Ach, 'ello little fella...
*Seth strokes the rat and leaves it there, takeing out two Bottles of Black Mountain Ale*
Yer be wantin somethin te drink Arcone?


Lord of Altera
Marcus instantly see's the ale and notices, the marks on the bottle...
"Black mountain Ale?!? Can I take a swig of that, I've got a bit of coin if your wanting some...
Marcus pulls out a few radients from his sack and puts it up in the air so it brightens in the moonlight to attract some attention.


Lord of Altera
'Ave it fer free Marcus Mate!
*Chucks a Bottle to Marcus and Passes One to Arcone, Takeing another out for himself*
Ae think I'll call this fella Leeroy...What der yer say Arcone?
*Scratches the small Albino Rat under it's chin, it's eyes seeming to gleam as it eats specks of bread of Seth's Shoulder*


Lord of Altera
Marcus catches the bottle by the base and raises it up for appreiation.
Marcus moves along the wall and sits back down to hear what they are saying more clearly.
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