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Game Of Crowns

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Retired Staff
Quite frankly, if you have that attitude, why are you involving yourself in it anyway. Obviously it doesn't meet your standards.
However harsh this may sound, I'd like to add something to that. If you think it's not exciting enough, can we ask you to come up with a better version for the Game of Crowns?


Lord of Altera
obviously were not trying to deter ideas, honestly, we welcome them, but when it comes down to the obvious things, were blunt about it.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
We won against Caledonian.
We stopped because of all the ooc hate that developed. There was no fun in it anymore. This time, things are properly organised and annonced. It should be a much better experience now! ;)


Lord of Altera
You could say they beat Caledonian in RP, because just stopping doesn't really happen that much. I mean, you could say they surrendered or something, just to finalize it.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Oh I love those debates I can't be bothered to read and scroll through... I think I'll stick with your average frontline artillery meat/mint...


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
If it was in RP it would have been fun, but it was no longer fun and it was certainly not in RP. I would have loved to be defeated by Lonmar in a proper way. That would have been fun! :D

*Looks at his bank account and thinks of rejoining the GoC with the remnants of his house just to get his backside properly kicked by Lonmar in RP*

Players from both sides took it to ooc so we, as admins, simply pulled the plug to stop it from escalating. It was not entirely those player's fault, we just did not set up and announced the GoC properly like we should have done and we did not put a stop to the ooc problems in time. A real shame.

This time things will be kept strictly RP, so if one decides to quit, it will be a surrender/defeat in RP.


Lord of Altera
But that's how war is...
Mostly the faction have more chances of wining then a little faction.
War is unfair. But noone is force to enter the GoC.
So if Lonmar could get 15 players on the battlefield and the enemy only 4, its not the problem of Lonmar, but the enemy, because they entered the game.
It's not a random thing that some houses have more players than others. Its much work to build up a House and organise it to be online at the right time. So I don't see the unfair point.
See, I agree with this to an extent. The fact that houses like Lonmar have put alot of effort into building up a huge force and a grand city for the past year should mean that decication and hard should be for something, not just to be minimised by the rules. However It will be less of a competition if there aren't equal numbers, now I know you will say well thats the other houses problem, but don't we want the war to be fillied tension and exictment, knowng that its based on skill not numbers? That my opinion thougn, take as you will. :)


Minecraft? Skill? :3

It is a competition in many ways, not just the war. Surely recruiting should play a big part too?


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
To solve that, the other smaller houses should just team up, defeat Lonmar and then decide if they want to back stab or support each other for the Crown.


Lord of Altera
Yes on the surface that's what MC pvp seems like but there are a lot of subtle advantages and tricks to it. I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.


Lord of Altera
GoC is fine but not what I expected. It'd be much more intense with open war, large raids on houses and some ruined buildings.


King's Hand
GoC is fine but not what I expected. It'd be much more intense with open war, large raids on houses and some ruined buildings.
True, even if it won't work like in the old world (open spontaneous wars).
But I don't like the fact that this "Game" of Crown is getting more and more to a real game.
Like Hungergame and stuff like that. I am afraid that after making the team sizes fair, next moment they will try to get rid of God Armour, Pots, Invisibility and all stuff. In the end we could finally reinstall the CTF plugin and fight the GoC out there.
Another point of making everything unrealisticly fair is, that we only have two battles, so luck would play a much too big part.To be honest its still to highly based on luck if there isn't a size rule...


Burner of Worlds
GoC is fine but not what I expected. It'd be much more intense with open war, large raids on houses and some ruined buildings.
Those things should happen regardless of the GoC. What is everyone waiting for? Instead of everyone arguing in the forums they should declare war on someone and settle it in game.

Remember the GoC is to decide the ruling house. It's not the only channel for rp battles.
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