Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Game Of Crowns

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No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Btw, just making sure I understood this right:

When a House joins in an alliance with another House, that mans that House B can send all the points it receives, either from players or from events, to House A, right?


Lord of Altera
They technically could, but only before the War Time. But if they're officially allianced then their points would/could be counted together anyway.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
They technically could, but only before the War Time. But if they're officially allianced then their points would/could be counted together anyway.
Have it work like this:
At the end of the War Time, when Houses all have their final point tallies, have each House leader step forward and declare:
1. Are they attempting to win the crown? (If so, their points go toward the leader of that House.)
2. Are they attempting to help someone else win the crown? (If so, they then declare which House they are helping, and then all of their points go to that House.)

Not only would that allow the proper alliance dynamic, it would be really suspenseful when it all finally went down XD
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