Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Guess a Game!

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
Baldurs gate: dark alliance. I still remember going down the cellar in the beguining and killing those pesky rats... God I have no life ._.


The original mute
Baldurs gate: dark alliance. I still remember going down the cellar in the beguining and killing those pesky rats... God I have no life ._.
Yes, I remember me and a mate called furgis going and completing the game. God was the last boss easy, I shielded he fired arrows over me the boss never moved, it took a while.


Lord of Altera
To avoid misunderstandings, if you have a game you want to post, send it to matyio or me. Don't post it yourself, I don't want a bunch of people posting games :p


Lord of Altera

This game is an artillery strategy game. It was released in a year between 1995 and 2000.
Prize: 250 radiants (Guessed by BraveRubberDuck! The game is Worms 2!)


Lord of Altera

This game is a MMORPG and was released in a year between 1995 and 2000.
Prize: 500 radiants (Guessed by matyio! The game is Tibia!)


The original mute
No screenshot?
Well you have anarchy online and world of Warcraft. And back and I don't choose them together so I have no idea.


Lord of Altera
No screenshot?
Well you have anarchy online and world of Warcraft. And back and I don't choose them together so I have no idea.
Sorry, the first screenshot I uploaded had the name of the game in it. I noticed that after I posted it, so I had to remove the screenshot and get a new one.