Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Guess a Game!


Lord of Altera
Let's have a little break :p

I'll post a game later today when I have money to afford giving away those prizes again XD

I will be able to pay about three or four of you later today.


Lord of Altera
I have given you your prizes now. I will proceed to post one now. The prize for this one will be given out tomorrow, and a few more might be posted tomorrow as well.


Lord of Altera
Eleventh game!

This is a real-time strategy game and was released in a year between 1990 and 1995
Prize: 250 radiants (Guessed by Anithola! The game is Warcraft and was released in 1994. The game was developed by Blizzard Entertainment)


Lord of Altera
Anyways, that was the last one for today :p The prize will be given out tomorrow, and some new ones will be up tomorrow as well.


Lord of Altera
I played alot of warcraft III, so the interface was quite familiar :3 Thanks for reminding me though.. I need to start playing that again...


Lord of Altera
You're sticking with games that are too popular, I'll go dig a few out of my collection that are obscure.
Alright, thanks! :p

I only have some really hard ones left, and I don't want to give any 500 radiant prizes out right now... But apart from those I only have some popular games. I need something in the middle :)